King's Business - 1940-09

September, 1940

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


2.000.000 JEWS gathered in New York make it the largest Jewish m ission field in the w orld. The New York Jewish Evan­ gelization Society, Inc., founded in 1908 by the sainted DR. THOMAS M. CHALMERS, is striving zealous­ ly to reach them. Its manifold m in­ istry includes the care o f Hebrew- Christian refugees from Europe. This faith w ork is dependent upon your cooperation by g ift and prayer. Subscribe for our monthly “ JEW ­ ISH MISSIONARY MAGAZINE.” $1.00 per annum. Sample copy 10c. W rite REV. FREDERICK A. ASTON, Director New York Jewish Evangelization Society 5ft Second Ave. New York« Y.

DAI LY Devotional Readings

And face what is to be; Press on, in faith, believing He’ll save eternally:

1. God’s Speaking “The mighty God, even the Lord, hath spoken” (Psa. 50:1). God never speaks to us in startling ways, but in ways that are easy to misunderstand, and we say, “I wonder if that is God’s voice?” Isaiah said that the Lord spake to him “with a strong hand,” that is, by the pressure of cir­ cumstances. Nothing touches our lives but it is God Himself speaking. Do we discern His hand? . . . Get into the habit of saying, "Speak, Lord,” and life will become a romance. —Oswald Chambers. 2. A Sweet Burden "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matt. 16:24). The cross for the Christian means the refusal of sin and self-will. It means living for the kingdom of God at the expense of our own ambitions and in­ terests, and sometimes our friendships and health. In short, the Christian’s cross is the cost of doing God’s will. Samuel Rutherford said: “Christ’s cross Is the sweetest burden I ever had; it is such a burden as wings are to a bird, to carry me forward.”—Selected. 3. Connected by Life “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye dimin­ ish ought from it” (Deut. 4:2). If the Bible were like a collection of stones, we might select some and put aside others, as less valuable and beau­ tiful. . . . But the Bible is like a plant. Its parts are not mechanically or acci­ dentally connected, but originally united. A law of life rules here; and he who reveres life will neither add to nor take away from the beautiful plant which the Father hath planted in and through Christ by the Spirit.—A Saphir. 4. Deliverance “Who delivered . . . and doth deliver: . . . he will yet deliver” (2 Cor. 1:10). Oh, did He not deliver (The God who loves you so), Through trials sore and testings, In days of long ago ? A stronghold when in trouble He proved Himself to be; A loving, gentle Father Who yearned to set you free. But will He yet deliver? Oh, blessed be His name! Our Help In past and present Is evermore the same. Take courage then, dear comrade,

—Violet Dorothy Oberg.

5. • A True Prayer Life “And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray . . . that they may be seen of men” (Matt. 6:6). When once we go through the form of prayer—all night prayer, or any other prayer—and begin to be gratified by our reputation, . . . sin comes in. The test of a true life of prayer is that you are glad for no one else to know but£rOd . . . You must first be a child of God; then by His grace you must seek and find victory over sin, if you would know the wonderful power of prayer. —Lionel B. Fletcher. Faith in Action “Ye believe in God, believe also in me” (John 14:1). You-believe in a place of refuge when you have recourse to it; you believe in a bulwark when you lean upon it. . . . You believe in Christ when you commit all to Him, and are willing to accept all from Him. “Faith,” it has been said, “Is trust in Christ for everything you need at every moment.” Believe, and then keep on believing.—C. J. Casher. His Lordship “He humbled himself, and became obe­ dient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name” (Phil. 2:8, 9). Who that has followed his Lord down those steps of deepening humiliation enumerated in this passage would have the temerity to say that His claim to Lordship was undeserved? Who, look­ ing with faith’s tear-dimmed eye at His five bleeding wounds, would deny His worthiness of our utmost devotion? No! He is preeminently entitled to wield the scepter over every redeemed heart. —J. Oswald Sanders. Out of Adjustment “We know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now” (Rom. 8:22). The whole creation is out of harmo­ nious adjustment because of man’s sin. Instead of music and singing, alas! of­ ten there is mourning and pain. Crea­ tion is in a state of earnest expectation, waiting for the coming of an hour when 6. 7. 8.

SONGS IN THE DESERT 50 New Gospel Songs and Choruses Leatherette Cover 50c Postpaid Clarence E. Ranck 817 No. Harvard Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif.

T i m e l y ’RACTS On the Word of God “ The, Brecious Blood of Christ,” “ The Good Shepherd,” “ Divine Providence,” “ Creation.” Each of these tracts has a compelling gospel message, and is founded on the Bible as the Word of God. Authoritatively written and at­ tractively designed1, these tracts are filled with Scriptural proof of their gospel story. You will be glad to give them to others. Send todav for samples. The Committee on Christian Education of The Orthodox Presbyterian Church P. O. Box 4038. Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa. Based Squarely

—_ .

Salesmen wanted for> New-Style Family Bible. Many exclusive and worthwhile features, Need­ ed in every home. A fast seller and good profit-maker. Write today for complete information.

System Bible Company

221 Alameda Road

Kansas City, Mo.

SEND and SELL Greeting Cards with TRUE T I A N * SENTIMENTS Our Box of 24 DeLuxe Scripture Text Christmas Folders is without doubt the best value on the market. A $1.75 value. ’ Our companion Box of 18 Scripture Text folders for Birthday, Sick, Sym­ pathy, etc., sells readily at $1.00. All have envel­ opes to match. / s a Sample offer we will send either of the above Assortments for 65c. Two or more Boxes. 50c each, on first order. Satisfaction guaranteed. We feature 9 other Assortments; also Bibles. Stationery, Wall Plaques, Calendars, etc. Organized groups earn funds. No experience needed. Take, orders now! Box 68. Shepherd’s Town Card Co., Shepherdstown, Pa. GOSPEL TENTS CANV A S TABERNACLES METAL SEAT ENDS SMITH MFG. CO., DALTON, GA. 40 Years In Business


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