T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September, 1940
LILLENAS HYMN BOO K S favorites everywhere. SONG BOOKS all DEPARTMENTS of the CHURCH— SEND for -FREE MUSIC CATALOGUE LILLENAS PUBLISHING COMPANY “ The Best in Gospel Music” *»23 Troost Ave. Dept. K.B. Kansas City, Mo. I are I for I L 1 I S ' I
I cast away my confidence, and Carry all my care!
condemns it, the moment we see It. It is in ourselves, though sometimes it is hid from us. It may be some hidden sin that keeps God from using us more. Let us be honest with God, and ask Him to search us. and show us ourselves. Let David’s prayer be ours: “Search me, O God”—not my neighbors, nor other people, but “Search me!”—D. L. Moody. 23. True Preparation “It came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God” (Lk. 6:12). Many of you are Christian workers. Listen to this warning. Do not let the time spent in organizing or preparing for your work, or in the work itself, invade that quiet hour of daily commun ion with your Lord. . . . There is a something, call it what you like, that steals silently into the message that has been bom in the soul of the preacher when he is on his knees. Do you know it? You may.—Charles Inwood, 24. Hearing God’s Servants “Let a man- so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God” (1 Cor. 4:1). Use all God’s servants as you are able to profit by them. Hear them pray erfully, not for indulgence of curiosity, nor for pleasing rhetoric, but that you, through the Word of God, may feel His Spirit working in your hearts all the purpose of His will. . . . I wish that you who talk of my Lord's servants as If they were rival performers would cease thus to profane the gifts of the ascended King.—C. H. Spurgeon. The Faith "It was needful for me to write . . . and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3). What is the faith for which we are to contend? . . . The whole system of truth. What Is the system of truth? That truth Is centered in a Person. Tljat Person is the Person of the New Testa ment revelations. . . . The Person is seen in the flesh in the first four pam phlets, but is interpreted by the Spirit in the apostolic writings. . . . It is that truth embodied in a Person, operating in grace and holiness, for which we are to contend.—G. Campbell Morgan. 26. A Single Eye “When thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light” (Lk. 11:34). - No man can look at something beside him with one eye, and at something half a mile off with the other. One has to focus the eye according to the object, and he that Is gazing upon the near is, thereby made blind to that which is 25.
18. The Only Safe Way “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly” (Rom. 5:6). The pathway of the sinner out of dan ger into a place of safety is one of the greatest self-abasement, because he must’ trust himself altogether to the Cord’s hand. Coming to the cross of Christ brings no glory to a sinner, and adds nothing to his respectability in the eyes of men. . . . It is a lowly way, a way of humility; but it is the only safe way, for it is of God’s own providing. —H. W. Soltau. 19. A Desert Place and Rest “Immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood . . . but I went into Arabia” (Gal. 1:16, 17). Does not the newborn soul need soli tude ? That, apart from the strife of tongues and the din of the world, it may meditate on those marvelous things which God has done for it. That it may frame a larger, deeper, more adequate conception of what salvation really is. That its gratitude may become more in telligent and more profound. That, with nothing and no one to distract, it may dedicate itself quietly and fully to its Lord.—Alexander Smellie. Choice of the Will . “ Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth” j(Col. 3:2). Love is a law of life, a principle of conduct, distinctly chosen and followed in obedience to the Master. . . . You know when you set your love upçn God and you know when you set yoür love upon something else, because you know which way the obedience of your will and the choice of your whole nature leads. If you choose Mammon, you love Mammon; if you choose God, you love God.—A. T. Pierson. 21. A Home in Calvary “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Gal. 6:14). If Paul has a home, it is Calvary. He feels the vigor of its air, the safety of its protection, the power of its plea, the enduring reality of its satisfaction. “Here will I dwell,” is his resolve, “for I have a delight therein.” He finds all his hope there. When Christ died for all, He died for Paul. And the apostle knows it and glories in it.—F. W. Ainley. 22. Letting God Search Us “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts” (Psa. 139:23). We should all condemn sin as God 20.
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