T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September, 1940
Ragnhild, and Wilbur Carlson, Edith Johnson, ’32, and Helen Reel, ’40, from Greeley; the Envoys—George Arnold, Edmond Erickson, Dean Nauman, and Norman Robbins; and the Trumpeters —David Heydenburk, Howard Lawson, Edward L. Nash, ’40, and Chester Pad gett, B.Th. ’40. Married Sam Kleinsasser, ’39, and Lou Kath ryn Reynolds, ’39, July 23, San Luis Obispo, Calif. Gene W. Fussell, B.Th. ’40, and Mary June Ingram, July 25, Bell, Calif. Jack W. Montgomery and Gene R. Huntamer, ’40, Aug. 1, Lacey, Wash. Born To John T. (’33) and Mrs. Bewley (Ruth Caswell, ’35), a daughter, Mary Lee, June 22, Managua, Nicaragua, C. A. To Theodore and Mrs. Fischbacher (Olive Huston), a son, Gordon Emil, June 27, Kienyang, Shensi, China. To Warren and Mrs. Foster (Winifred Roth, ’36), a son, Gregory Warren, April 27, Los Angeles, Calif. To Melvin and Mrs. Haug (Grace E. Hooper, ’38), a daughter, Ruth Anne, April 30, Los Angeles, Calif. To Walter H. (’37) and Mrs. Wagner (Elizabeth Ralston, ’40), a daughter, Mary-Eileen, July 27, Los Angeles, Calif.
Ernest W. (’30) and Mrs. Ralston and family, Yankton (Mr. Ralston is pastor of the Baptist church); Mrs. June C. Reynolds, ’28, Corvallis; Evelyn Russell, Corvallis; Susan Rutchmann, Pratum; Nona Rutledge, Pratum; Mrs. Smith, ’23, Corvallis; Margaret Thome, ’34, Salem; Herman (’23) and Mrs. Wiebe and Lydia Wiebe, Dallas (Mr. Wiebe has been teaching in a Bible School in Reed- ley, Calif., for the past year); Helen Wiens, ’36, Dinuba, Calif. In addition to these, a number of prospective students and other friends of the Institute were present. The group discussed holding an annual Biola re union for former Institute students liv ing in Oregon, and Eugene Brickwedel of Salem, Ore., was elected as chairman to arrange for the next gathering. Colorado Fellowship Group A letter from Edith Johnson, ’32, de scribes a happy time of fellowship and reunion of Biola friends gathered at the home of Astrid Carlson, Greeley, Colo., on July 3, after a service of the Biola Trumpeters at the Evangelical Free Church. The Envoys also joined the group after services in Fort Collins. Those present included Tim Baird, Wilma Claybum, and Fred (’39) and Mrs. Visser from Denver, Colo.;'Astrid,
Biola Alumni In Ori^ At Silver Creek Falls, Ore.,# one of the largest Biola reunions of the sum mer was held in the afternoon and eve ning o f July 6, in honor of Dr. and Mrs. John A. Hubbard, on the occasion of a meeting Dr. Hubbard held at Pra- tum, Ore. In sending the list of guests to THE KING’S BUSINESS, Agnes Dueck, ’30, described the beauty of the outdoor setting, the joy of fellowship with those who had a common affection for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and the blessing received from Dr. Hub bard’s message on the way to victory in Christ. Former Biola students in at tendance, with facts concerning the ac tivities of some of them, were as fol lows: Eugene (’36) and Mrs. Brickwedel (Bethel Breedlove), Salem (Mr. Brick wedel is pastor of a church in Hope- ville); Vivian Crist (attending Oregon State College); Catherine Oorthuys, Cor vallis; Agnes Dueck, ’30, Dallas (Dallas Hospital); Alton and Mrs. Everest (Elva Widlund, ’29), Corvallis (Mr. Ev erest has been teaching at the Oregon State College); Martha Gerig, Pratum; Bob Goertz, Dallas; V. L. (’32) and Mrs. Loucks, Scio (Mr. Loucks is pastor of the Christian and Baptist Church); Frank Peters, Dallas; Mary Quiring, ’31, Dallas (nursing in Dallas Hospital);
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