T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September, 1940
of his Epistle to the Romans in chapter 8: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? . . . Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 8:35, 39). Let the love of Christ, the love on which we h$ive been meditating, indwell our souls, and we shall know the vic torious life in Christ Jesus our Lord. He is the secret of it all. PRAYER AND THE PREACHER [ Continued from Page 331] come to service with a wistful hope that through us God may whisper something to their souls. I think their greatest desire (how human it is!) is to feel that they are understood and remembered. Unless we have been with the Master of Souls in preparation, I do not see how our people’s expectation is to be realized. Our prayers will be saved from inco herence if we know precisely what we wish to pray for. Vividly realizing our own needs, we shall the more keenly feel and forcibly express the needs of. others. Because unprepared prayer is usually long, preparation delivers one from in ordinate length in pulpit prayers. Some times prayers are too long because of
CONSTRAINED BY THE LOVE OF CHRIST [ Continued from Page 332]
irrelevant matter dragged into them. “Generally speaking,” says J. A. Clap- perton, ten minutes should be the out side limit of prayers in public. It often will be better if not more than six min utes are taken.” Short, sharp petitions, readily and earnestly uttered, are of great power. A congregation is swept away on a wave of sympathetic entreaty with pe titions such as these: “Lord, save to night!” “Lord, make bare Thine arm!” “ O God, take the prey from the mighty!” Here is a specimen of this kind of prayer taken from the recprded utterances of a great soul-winner, Thomas Collins: “O Lord, give me a proper text for Sarclet; give me a clear light upon it . . . Convince deeply of sin. Lead safely to the blood. Pardon freely. Wash thoroughly. Reign triumphantly. All for Thy mercy’s sake.” Petitions of this character could be uttered with mighty effect. Unction Necessary. Every sincere preacner craves for power to pray with earnestness and en thusiasm, so that the people will be fired with the desire to pray. When people hear a sweet singer, they often say: “Oh, if I could only sing like that!” When they hear us pray, they should
of the Lord—but it gives me that holy zeal in the work of the Lord Jesus Christ that has its origin in the love of Christ. Holy zeal pre-eminently marks the character of our blessed Lord. His heart attitude was this: “I must work the works of him that sent me” ;*“I must be about my Father’s business.” Oh, the intensity, thg holy zeal of the Son of God! And if I am filled with the love of Jesus Christ, I shall have that same zeal. The apostles of old had it. They said: “We cannot but speak”—no mat ter what shall happen to us—“the things which we have seen and heard.” There was a fire burning within them. Di rection, concentrated power, earnest burning zeal are wrought by the love of Christ filling the soul. And then again I say that the river that was formerly slow and sluggish, now, when brought within its banks, has velocity. It sweeps all before it. Nothing can stand in its way. And the love of Christ takes possession of this heart and soul and mind, and jvhat does it do? It gives me the secret of victory in Him. I can overcome because the love of Christ fills my soul. And I can join with Paul in those wonderful words with which he closes the great argument
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