T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
September, 1940
DoYouMake theseMistakes inENGLISH?
to about the size of our earth at pre sent. It will have the form o f a cold, heavy stone. The earth will go into its final and permanent ice age with a temperature of 328 degrees below zero. Reviewing Dr. Gamow’s book, a news paper editor says: “But there’s the consoling prob ability that in ten billion years our descendants will surely have inaug urated travel routes, through the cosmos, and will have begun to pop ulate more salubrious universes. They may even have found a way to install a central heating system in the sun to serve our corner of the universe.” Hope of a man-made utopia springs eternally, it would seem, in the human breast. Despits war and decay all about us, the “optimists” still predict a great future for the human race. When men lose faith in God, they sub stitute a futile and fantastic faith in themselves. Dr. Gamow may be a distinguished student. But we have a higher author ity. In His own Word, God gives us an account of the birth, and life, and destiny of this planet on which we live. On His authority, we know that Christ is returning to take charge of things. Because of that Blessed Hope, because of that Blessed Certainty of His coming, we do not look forward—ten billion years—to the dying of the sun. Instead, we look forward now to His immin ent coming. Come quickly, Lord Jesus! wherever they may be, beseeching the Ruler of the universe to bless our republic, to make us reverently grateful'for our heritage and firm in its defense, and to grant to this land and to the troubled world a righteous, enduring peace. ¡“In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States of Amer ica to be affixed. “Done, at the city of Washington this seventh day Of August, in the year of our Lord 1940, and of the independence of the United States of America the 165th. "(Signed) “FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT.” Many Christians are praying that the designation of this day for prayer may be accepted by Christ-honoring nqen and women as a challenge to engage in something more than formal petition for the material well-being of their country. They feel that it may be a time when many will humble themselves to fall on their faces before God, in true re pentance, through which means alone God can save America.
be moved in the same way to cry out: “I must learn to pray like that! I must lay hold on God as that man does.,” Fervency, reality, and passion come as the preacher learns how to pray in the Holy Ghost. He, and He alone, is the Teacher and Inspirar of true prayer. May God grant us fervency, as well as faith, in all our petitions! SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NEWS [ Continued, from Page 323] obvious dissatisfaction with the com pleteness of Hitler’s conquest of France indicate that he does not approve of the stepped-up Nazi time-table. Hitler’s victories—from the Soviet standpoint— have come too quickly and too easily. A long war, which would weaken both sides, was what Staliq counted on to whittle the Nazi military machine down to such a size that the Red Army could face it confidently. EARTH’S END? • In his new book, The Birth and Death of the Sun, George Gamow ventures the estimate that the sun’s hydrogen supply will give out by A. D. 10,000,- 000,000 and that when this happens, our oceans will boil and life on earth will become extinct. After the sun loses its vital supply of hydrogen, according to Dr. Gamow, its atoms will shrink steadily and the whole sphere will dwindle eventually The answer to the longing of cohnt- less Christian hearts has come at last in the official proclamation of a national day of prayer, to be observed on Sunday, September 8. The proclama tion was made public at President Roosevelt’s Hudson Valley estate on Au gust 8. In part, it runs as follows: “When every succeeding day brings such news of suffering and disaster abroad, we are especially conscious of the divine power and of our dependence upon God’s mer ciful guidance. “With this consciousness in our hearts, it is seemly that we should, at a time like this, pray to Almighty God for His blessing on our country and for the establishment of a just and permanent peace among all the nations of the world. “Now, therefore, I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, do hereby set aside Sunday, September 8, 1940, as a day of prayer; and I, urge the people of the United States, of all creeds and denominations, to pray on that day, in their churches or at their homes, on the high seas or
Sherwin Cody’s remarkable invention has enabled more than 100,000 people to correct their mistakes in English. Only 15 minutes a day required to im prove your speech and writing. w ANY persons say, Did you hear
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A National Call to Prayer
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