September, 1940
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Our Literature Table
jjuildiru] aSuccessful men's BIBLECLASS CARL HANSON FIFE
P or a quarter you can secure this brand new booklet by Earl Hanson Fife, the man who built his ow n M en’s Bible Class from 62 to over 300 in just f i f t e e n months! There’s a wealth o f help a n d inspiration in the challeng ing chapters o n :
Song of Solomon By JACOB JORDAN
Prolixities of Calvary By ROBERT G. LEE
As the w riter him self points out, this verse-by-verse interpretation o f the Song of Songs is likely to be utterly new to most readers. Mr. Jordan’s view is that this book o f the Bible contains “ more than a spiritual construction o f Jesus Christ and the church”~^-that it prom inently features Israel and the L ord’s tender love fo r the nation. In this departure from the more comm on teaching, the author has been careful to depend reverently upon the Scripture passages themselves. 56 pages. Paper. Jacob Jordan, George, Iowa. Price 20 cents. The Rapture By THE AMERICAN PROPHETIC LEAGUE This brief discussion of Scripture as to the nature and practical value o f the rap ture considers sufch topics as a pre-tribu lation rapture, partial rapture, and the relation of the H oly Spirit to the rapture. It is a concise, Scriptural, and instructive presentation o f the rapture and the reve lation, which are the tw o phases o f our Lord’s second com ing. Both the beginner and the advanced student, o f the Word w ill find it a profit., and joy. 39 pages. American P rophetic League, Inc., 4747- 4751 Townsend Ave., L os Angeles, Calif. Paper. Price 25 cents. Because, “ the race considered, doubtless the w ife, mother, and sister have exerted the m ost lasting as w ell as the m ost fa r- reaching influence,” Dr. R iley seeks, in this series of eight pointed messages, to bring w om en face to face w ith their re sponsibility. He points out that today “ woman is playing a conspicuous part on the s ta g e -o f life ; both her ambitions and her assumption o f prerogatives have broken all bounds,” and he advances this fa ct as a reason for every m inister’s seek ing to w in fo r the L ord Jesus Christ the wom en and girls o f his cong'regation. The chapters of the book origin ally w ere ser mons delivered in the First Baptist Church, M inneapolis, Minn., and were blessed o f God to the salvation of a num ber of souls. 119 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. P rice $1.00. Deeply devotional and truly scholarly in its approach, this thoughtful treatm ent o f the great m ystery o f the incarnation deserves the m ost careful reading by stu- U A Y F F V F P sufferers, have you l l * * i r i - " l- lv tried Hetone pre pared from formula of a British Mission ary from India? Hetone has already helped thousands. Send for samples and litera ture. Sole Distributors: HETONE-ASTONE CO. 1237 Market St. Rm. 411 Philadelphia, Pa. R a i s e M O N E Y . . . Ea s i ly Wives of the Bible 'B y W . B. R ILEY The Glory of the Manger B y SAMUEL M. ZWEMER
In eight m ighty chapters— “The Last Wefck,” “ The Tw o Processions,” “ The Two W eepings,” “ The Tw o Thieves,” “ The Tw o Hatreds,” “ The 1 w o N ights,” “ The Tw o R endings,” and “ The Tw o L oves”— the elo quent author o f this series presents con trasts so vivid, that they cannot be foi> gotten easily. H is unusual picture lan guage and dramatic style are beautifully consecrated to Christ, to “make HIS praise glorious.” 104 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. Price $1.00. Science and Truth By L. ALLEN HIGLEY This excellent book has been written by one whp can speak-authoritatively on the su bject o f the supposed con flict o f science and truth as revealed in God’s W ord, for hue- has the rare qualification o f being both a scientist and a theologian. The purpose o f the book is fou rfold : “To show that the B ible and true science agree; to show the deceptions o f evolution; to honor the Creator, not the creature; to help all w ho seek to find and heed ¿the truth.” The author has fu lfilled that pur pose ably, fo r the honest doubters who profess intellectual d ifficulties in some o f these matters w ill find this book greatly beneficial. T o the believers it w ill prove to be a re-enforcem ent o f their steadfast maintenahee ot the veracity o f the Old Book. Christian students especially w ill be delighted w ith the deftness o f the au thor’s skill in handling the subject. 287 pages. R evell Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. Jonathan Edwards’ Famous Sermon The sermon oi Jonathan Edwards, “ Sin ners in the Hands o f an A ngry God,” preached in 1741. has been reprinted in tract form . This address “ was «the be ginning o f one of the greatest revivals Am erica ever experienced,” and it is be lieved that the m essage, if w idely circu lated, w ill do much to lead the American people back to God. The price is 10 cents a cop y ; low er ra te s 1 fo r quantities. Order tvefm I. W . R ogers, 2704 Tennessee St., Paducah, Ky. Church Officers’ Guide By JOHN R. GOLDEN Irrespective o f denom ination or church affiliation, every church member would p rofit by reading this little booklet. The high privilege and solemn responsibility that com e to any one who holds an office in the church is. set forth according to the New Testament. R ecogn izin g that many organizational problem s could be elim inated if the principles revealed in the W ord were practiced, the author has gone to the W ord itself fo r his foundational statements. One could expect a quicken ing o f spirituality in every church that adheres to the plan o f organization in the New Testament church. 32 pages.. Paper. Standard- Pub. Co. Price 15 cents. The Victory Life (Specially Adapted for Young People and New Converts.) B y JOHN WILMOT MAHOOD This study o f a dozen Christian v ir tues includes praise, love, obedience, cour age, and purity, w ith illustrations from B iblical ana Christian characters of the centuries. The. book is especially rich in usable narratives which drive the nail home. In an excellent w ay the author has directed his w ork to youn g people and new converts. A lthough the book was origin ally copyrighted in 1904, many w ill rejoice that the publishers have enabled this helpful w ork to live on. 120 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Paper. Price 35 cents.
“ W hy a M en’ s C lass?” “ H ow to Build Attendance,” “ S p e c i a l Program s,” “ M en’s Class Committees,” “ The Class at W ork and Play,” and “ M iscellaneous Problem s.” “ Building a Successful M en’s Bible Class” ought to be in the hands o f each o f your class officers. Order from your Supply House or from Dcslc KB THE STANDARD PUBITS HING CO. sftì A COTTER STS. -CINCINNATI;;OHIO SCRIPTURE TEXT GREETING CARDS You can earn excellent profits selling the true* Christian Purpose line of Scripture Text Every- Day Greeting Cards and Christmas Cards. A peerless assortment of genuine religious greeting cards in a wide variety of rich designs . . . ex clusively new and different. You will like these cards . . . and so will your friends. That’s why our cards sell quickly and easily . . . bringing larger earnings to our representatives. So send for complete 'details of our plan . . . TODAY! SCRIPTURE GREETING CARD COMPANY Box 522 Dept. 2 Philadelphia, Pa. The Future of Britain by Gavin Ham ilton o f England, in the I Find CHRIST Adequate VOICE; other PROPHETIC m essages in the Sept, is sue: A ROYAL HOUSE, Wm. R. New ell; SECRETS of the SKIES and T E R RIFYING CHAOS Ahead for EARTH ; RUSSIA’S FINAL UNDOING, and ANTI SEMITISM. the SCOURGE of GOD, R ussell T aylor Smith o f Philadelphia. $1.00 w ill bring you this colorfu l a g gressive fo r God BIBLE monthly for a year w ith ail array of dependable P rophetic m essages in each issue: 3 m onths trial 25e, single copy, 10c. THE VOICE 4000 Washington St. Louis, Mo. THE FINAL AIR RAID Flesh F or F ow ls. Mother Shipton’s P ro phecies. Signs o f the End^ Father Divine. Is Hell R eal? H er Last Drink. The Man that Died fo r Me. These and over 150 other titles, many illustrated and printed on various colors o f paper. Send postage fo r a liberal sample. T racts Free to Chris- , tian w orkers, unable to pay. Pilgrim Tract Society, Randleman, X . C . g E I H I I s E U J r l J Your church, school or ladies1 society can make money with ou r parish paper plan. Stimulates all church .activities. F i l l s empty pews. Samples and particulars free Nntioniil Religious Press Gran«] Rapids, Mich.
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