King's Business - 1940-09


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

September, 1940

Minn., brings hope to the unsaved and the saved alike, through the pow er o f the gospel o f Christ. The outlines are simple and clear, but these m essages on fam iliar themes are not trite. They deal in a practical, fresh m an­ ner w ith problem s comm on to every fo l­ low er o f the Lord Jesus. Though the sub­ ject matter is varied, the central empha­ sis is one o f real devotion to Christ. 151 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth, Price $1.00.

dents o f the W ord o f God. The manuscript o f this volum e w as the unanimous first choice of the comm ittee which made the awards fo r the Am erican Tract Society’s Prize Book Contest fo r 1940, in which 116 m anuscripts w ere subm itted by w ell- know n writers. The pre-em inence o f the L ord Jesus Christ is revealed on every page of this book by the fam ous m issionary to the Moslem w orld. Theological issues are here clarified, not in a spirit o f bitter con ­ tention w ith unbelievers, but o f reverent exaltation of the Son o f God. The atm os­ phere o f the entire book shares in the radiance o f the manger o f which its title speaks, and yet there is detailed u n fold ­ ing o f argum ent and evidence fo r the in­ carnation. The supporting quotations are w ell annotated and usable. Choice poetry, much o f it from w riters o f high literary rank, enriches the pages throughout. 232 pages. Am erican T ract Society. Cloth. Price $1.50. Christian Faith and the Spirit of the Age By CLARENCE E. MACARTNEY W inner o f the second prize in the Am er­ ican T ract Society’s annual contest for “scholarly, up-to-date, popular treatises of the essential evangelical doctrines,” this volum e m eets the need fo r a clear and fresh statem ent o f these truths. Under fou r main phases the author deals, in a logical, orderly manner, w ith /The Christian B ook,” “The ChHstian^ W ay, “ The Christian Act,” and ■The Christian Future.” The first section treats o f the Bible and the reasons fo r accepting it as the inspired W ord o f God given to r e ­ veal H is w ill to man. In the next portion, Christian ethics are contrasted with lo w ­ ered m oral standards o f the present day. “ The Christian A ct” is the atonem ent of Christ as the central fa ct o f the Christian faith, and in the closin g chapters o f the book, the su bject o f imm ortality is dis­ cussed. Throughout, the author has been careful to avoid abstruse theological ar­ gum ents while presenting in a m ore read­ able style the fundam ental beliefs of evan­ gelical Christianity, and yet the ba ck ­ ground o f solid study makes the book stim ulating and helpful to the present- day Christian layman. 236 pages.^ A™eri- can T ract Society. Cloth. P rice $1.50. Grace and Truth B y J. F. STROMBECK In tw enty-one short, pithy chapters, the author of that popular book, Shall Never Perish, here turns his attention to the su bject o f grace as it is set forth in the Gospel o f John. The purpose of the book is not to furnish an exposition o f the G os­ pel, but rather to point out a frequently overlooked method o f approach. Mr. Strom beck believes that in the first three G ospels “Jesus is seen as livin g His earthly life under the law (Gal. 4:4), and H is teachings to the Jew s are on legal ground.” . He adds: “ To try to harmonize the Gospel o f John w ith the other three is to destroy its distinctive m essage.’ G lorious truth is unfolded fo r the believer who w ill study this book, Bible in hand. 160 pages. Wm . B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. P rice $1.00. Strange Scriptures By BARBARA M. BOWEN Providentially, the custom s o f ancient Palestine have continued in many respects unchanged, even into the present century. Thus the traveler who knpws God’s W ord is able to discover many aids to Biblical interpretation. This present volum e deals.with* “ Strange Scriptures that Perplex the W estern Mind.” Facts from local custom s are p re­ sented, not as points to satisfy the curious, but as explanations that deepen the read­ er’s' reverence fo r the W ord o f God. Con­ sequently, the effect is not m erely to clear up expository details but also to enrich greatly a devotional approach to Bible reading. 98 pages. Wm . B. E erd- mans Pub. Co. Cloth. P rice $1.00.


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