Report to the Nation 2015



South Dakota, a two-star state and needs to do much more to reduce drunk driving deaths. In 2011, a law was passed allowing for the use of ignition interlocks starting in conjunction with the state’s Sobriety 24/7 program. This move limits the use of interlocks to repeat and first-time offenders with a BAC of .17 or greater. MADD asks lawmakers to strengthen DUI law and expand the current interlock law to include all convicted drunk drivers with a BAC of .08 or greater. The state could also better protect children from drunk drivers by enacting a child endangerment law.


Tennessee’s all-offender ignition interlock law went into effect in 2013. This move, coupled with the use of no- refusal enforcement activities, will prove to reduce drunk driving and protect the public.

MADD encourages state lawmakers to further improve the state’s DUI law by utilizing ALR to help deter drunk drivers.


In 2013, Texas lead the nation with 1,337 deaths caused by a drunk driver. The legislature fails to take any steps to address this deadly problem.

MADD is preparing for the 2015 session where we will advocate for ignition interlocks for all convicted drunk drivers.


Utah is one of 24 states with an all-offender interlock law and is a leader in the fight to end drunk driving in the nation. Due in part to their all-offender interlock law, drunk driving deaths are down by 22 percent.

MADD applauds Utah on its continued efforts to protect the public and keep roads safe. Sobriety checkpoints and continued refinement of the ignition interlock program are proven countermeasures to save lives.


Vermont enacted an optional ignition interlock program for convicted drunk drivers in 2010. Efforts are needed to strengthen this law and improve the state’s DUI laws.

MADD will work to advance a mandatory all-offender ignition interlock law, along with other anti-drunk driving countermeasures, including child endangerment legislation to protect Vermont’s children from drunk drivers.


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