العدد 4 – يوليو / تموز 2024

العلاقات العامة الرقمية، الدعاية، إسرائيل، حرب عدوانية، أفيخاي كلمات مفتاحية: أدرعي، إصلاح الصورة. Abstract: The study examines how Israel employed digital public relations during the three wars it launched on the Gaza Strip (Saif al-Quds in 2021, Wihdat as-Sahat in 2022 and Tufan al-Aqsa in 2023), and explores the implications, objectives and stakes of this deployment. It adopts a descriptive-analytical approach to explore the strategies adopted by the Israeli army’s spokesperson, Avichay Adraee, in posts on his personal Facebook page aiming to sway Arab users towards the Israeli narrative of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the mental image he portrays of Palestinian and Israeli identities through the analysis of a stratified random sample consisting of 95 posts. The study relies on the theory of image repair discourse, Aristotle's Persuasion model, and the theory of cultural colonisation to interpret Adraee's digital public relations discourse. It finds that Adraee's communication logic relies on image restoration and persuasive strategies, to suggest the plausibility and legitimacy of the Zionist narrative of the conflict, which shows the historical roots of the Israeli identity in the land, while presenting the Palestinian identity as passing in this land. Adraee's posts also employ the strategy of blame shifting onto the Palestinian side in all Israeli wars on the Gaza Strip, while absolving the Israeli side of the crimes committed by the Israeli army against the people of Gaza, and viewing the military institution as serving the interests of the Israeli people. Therefore, Adraee's posts resort to the strategies of denial and blaming the other overtly and repeatedly, and use emotional appeal instead of credibility strategy as a primary persuasive element. Keywords: Digital Public Relations, Propaganda, Israel, Aggressive War, Avichay Adraee, Image Reform.

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