العدد 4 – يوليو / تموز 2024

في غزة، عبر التدمير الممنهج للمؤسســات الإعلامية والصحفية المحلية والدولية. وتراهن المؤسســة السياســية والعسكرية الإســرائيلية في ذلك على إبادة الرواية الفلسطينية وطمس الحقائق التي تكشفها الجماعة الصحفية الفلسطينية، وتدمير أدلة توثيق الإبادة الجماعية، واحتواء تأثير بعض الشــبكات الإعلامية الدولية، مثل الجزيرة. إســرائيل، الحرب على غزة، الإبادة الإعلامية، الجماعة الصحفية كلمات مفتاحية: الفلسطينية، الموت الاجتماعي، الموت المهني. Abstract: The study delves into the extraordinary circumstances confronting the Palestinian journalistic community and the grave violations inflicted upon its social and professional fabric amidst Israel’s war on the Gaza Strip since 7 October 2023. It raises a multifaceted inquiry into the motives behind these violations: Why did Israel resort to the systematic obliteration of the Palestinian journalistic community? What are its objectives? And what strategies does it employ to dismantle the Palestinian journalistic body? The study posits that the " social death " perpetrated by the Israeli military, evidenced by the widespread killing of journalists and their families, alongside the deliberate targeting and dismantling of media and journalistic institutions, is not incidental fallout from the war but rather the calculated outcome of an orchestrated plan to dismantle the Palestinian journalistic community and undermine its social and professional integrity. Termed " media genocide " , this systematic campaign represents one facet of the broader genocide against the Palestinian people, akin to cultural, political, economic, religious and biological genocide. Employing a systematic methodology, the study explains the systematic nature of media genocide, the Israeli actor’s stance, practices and symbolic investments in its efforts to dismantle the Palestinian journalistic community. Findings reveal that the genocidal assault on the Palestinian journalistic community necessitates a specific intent focused on their social demise, accomplished through the widespread killings of journalists perceived as a " threat " to Israeli strategic objectives in Gaza and a challenge to the Israeli narrative portraying itself as a " victim of Palestinian resistance terrorism " . Additionally, the study underscores the Israeli army’s strategy of professional annihilation targeting the Palestinian journalistic community and Gaza’s media sector through the systematic destruction of local and international media institutions. The Israeli political and military

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