العدد 4 – يوليو / تموز 2024

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(31) Jeffrey Jones, "Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza: Approval has dropped from 50% to 36% since November," gallup, March 27, 2024, "accessed March 27, 2024". https://rb.gy/8jiceh.

(32) Ibid. (33) Ibid. (34) Gell, "Has Zionism Lost the Argument?," op, cit. (35) Ibid. (36) Chris Hedges, "Liberal Zionism is Dead," op, cit.

(37) Robert M. Dover, "Why Israel’s intelligence chiefs failed to listen to October 7 warnings – and the lessons to be learned," The Conversation, December 7, 2023, "accessed December 7, 2023 ". https://tinyurl.com/4r7b5vc2. (38) Eran Kaplan, "Israel’s ‘Iron Wall’: A brief history of the ideology guiding Benjamin Netanyahu," The Conversation, March 25, 2024, "accessed March 25, 2024". https://tinyurl.com/ynpafed9. (39) Vladimir Jabotinsky, The Iron Wall: Colonisation of Palestine Agreement with Arabs Impossible at present Zionism Must Go Forward, Razsviet (In Russian), November 4, 1923, "accessed April 1, 2024". https://tinyurl.com/

bdf9bk4a. (40) Ibid.

(41) "Policy paper: Options for a policy regarding Gaza’s civilian population," Israeli Intelligence Ministry, Translation by 972 Magazine, October 13, 2023, "accessed October 13, 2023". https://tinyurl.com/bdf9bk4a.

(42) Ibid. (43) Ibid.

(44) Ilan Pappé, "Gaza War, Hostages & the Context Behind Current Violence: Interview with Ilan Pappé," by Amy Goodman, Democracy Now, October 31, 2023, "accessed October 31, 2023". https://rb.gy/vcie0m. (45) Michel ben-Josef Hirsch, "From Taboo to the Negotiable: The Israeli New Historians and the Changing Representation of the Palestinian Refugee Problem," Perspectives on Politics, Vol. 5, No. 2, (June 2007): 241–258.

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