العدد 4 – يوليو / تموز 2024

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(46) Ilan Pappé, "Fifty Years Through the Eyes of "New Historians" in Israel," Middle East Research and Information Project, Summer 1998, "accessed October 31, 2023". https://tinyurl.com/2vzz6uem. (47) Walter R. Mead, The Arc of a Covenant: The United States, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People, (Deckle Edge, 2022), 184-185. (48) Hedges, "Liberal Zionism is Dead," op, cit. (49) Ibid. (50) Pappé, "Fifty Years Through the Eyes of "New Historians" in Israel," op, cit. (51) Pappé, "Gaza War, Hostages & the Context Behind Current Violence: Interview with Ilan Pappé," op, cit. (52) Pappé, Fifty Years Through the Eyes of "New Historians" in Israel, op, cit. (53) Mikhail Krutikov, "Rise in anti-Zionism forces journalist to rethink his leftist Jewish identity," Forward, May 8, 2024, "accessed May 8, 2024". https://tinyurl.com/yc2xjpm5. (54) "Jewish Voice for Peace," jewishvoiceforpeace, "accessed April 27, 2024". https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org . (55) "An Exodus from Zionism- and towards collective liberation," Jewish Voice for Peace, April 27, 2024, "accessed April 27, 2024". https://tinyurl. com/mrxzzxny. (56) Michelle Boorstein, Annie Gowen, "What is Zionism? The movement college protesters oppose, explained," The Washington Post, May 3, 2024, "accessed May 3, 2024". https://tinyurl.com/5n7ccnxw. (57) Ibid. (58) "Haaretz: The countdown to Israel's collapse has begun," alquds.com, June 7, 2024, "accessed June 12, 2024". https://rb.gy/t4rx9a. (59) Ibid. (60) "Yeshayahu Leibowitz," Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, March 6, 2019, "accessed June 12, 2024". https://rb.gy/lundyb.

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