العدد 4 – يوليو / تموز 2024

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(8) Konstantin Aal et al., "The orchestration of activist events: Making protests heard (and seen)," in Global media coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 139. (9) Shadi Abu-Ayyash and Hussein Ahmad, "Social media, activism and mass protest: Framed narratives of the May 2021 Sheikh Jarrah events," in Global media coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 171. (10) Tawseef Majeed and Ali M. Abushbak, "Palestinian war narrative and social media: Ethnographic account of the victims of Israel-Palestine war during May 2021," in Global media coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 187. (11) Sherouk Maher and Dina Matar, "Comparative analysis of Israeli and PLO diplomacy practices during the May 2021 Israeli attacks against Gaza," in Global media coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 203. (12) Kelly Lewis, "Platform necropolitics: Content moderation and censorship of pro-Palestinian voices on social media," in Global media coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 219. (13) Aspriadis Neofytos, "The media war in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict: Examining interstate character assassination in international media," in Global media coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 251. (14) Dounia Mahlouly and Zaina Erhaim, "Pro-Palestinian activism: Resisting the digital occupation," in Global media coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 237. (15) Rashid Khalidi, "The hundred years’ war on Palestine: A history of settler colonialism and resistance 1917-2017, (USA: Metropolitan, 2020). (16) Ben Ehrenreich, The Way to the Spring: Life and Death in Palestine, (UK: Penguin Books, 2017). (17) Mourid Barghouti, I saw Ramallah, (USA: Anchor, 2008). (18) Shraga Simmons: David & Goliath: The Explosive Inside Story of Media Bias in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, (London: Emesphere Productions, 2012). (19) Amahl Bishara, Back stories: US news production and Palestinian

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