العدد 4 – يوليو / تموز 2024

ُلات والصور النمطية التي تجعل من الغرب مصدر � إلــى إعــادة النظر في تلك التمُّث تلك القيم النبيلة. سيرورة، التأطير الإخباري، التحيز، الحرب على غزة، الإعلام الغربي كلمات مفتاحية: Abstract: The study explores the process of news framing of the war on the Gaza Strip in Western media discourse, examining the stages and contexts of transformation witnessed by narratives and representations of this discourse regarding Israeli and Palestinian identities. It also examines the conceptual foundations, backgrounds, objectives and stakes of its framing. The study relies on the semiotic approach as formulated by the philosopher and semiotician Charles Sanders Peirce, analysing models of Western media discourses, revealing how they produce linguistic and non-linguistic signs and how they are circulated and interpreted by the international public opinion. It also draws on the theoretical background inspired by Robert Entman's framing theory to interpret the methods and mechanisms of framing a simple random sample of American, British and French media discourses during the war on Gaza from 7 October 2023 to 7 April 2024. The study indicates that initially, most Western media discourse leaned towards the Israeli narrative, echoing its arguments and representations of the war. However, this discourse quickly shifted away from this narrative, and new frames began to emerge, representing other narratives (such as the " responsibility " framing, the " humanitarian " framing, the framing of " solutions to end the aggression, " etc.). Nonetheless, this shift from one framing to another is not the result of convictions and principles framing the work of Western media institutions but rather due to the influence and pressure exerted by protest movements, social media networks and electoral considerations. Moreover, the bias of most Western media discourse towards the Israeli narrative, especially at the beginning of the war on Gaza, raises questions about justice, credibility, impartiality and transparency. The study exposes the falsehood of this discourse by revealing its adoption of frames and mechanisms intended to practice deception and camouflage instead of adhering to the rules and ethics of the profession. The professional mistakes and apologies issued by some media outlets may have led to a reconsideration of these representations and stereotypical images that portray the West as the source of those noble values. Keywords: Process, News Framing, Bias, The War on Gaza, Western Media.

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