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GREGG CHAMBERLAION gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca MAYORS COMPLAIN ABOUT SMELL FROM WASTE OPERATION years. The expansion is needed so that UIF&08)'PQFSBUJPODBODPOUJOVFGPS another 20 years.
The mayors for Casselman and The Nation Municipality are getting tired of the smell from a regional waste operation, over in neighbouring Moose Creek. Both Mayors Daniel Lafleur and Fran- ç PJT4U"NPVSXBOU('-&OWJSPONFOUBM Ltd. to do something to deal with the PDDBTJPOBMGPVMPEPVSUIBUCMPXTPWFS QBSUPGUIFJSDPNNVOJUJFT XIFOFWFSUIF wind is right. “For our municipality, when the wind comes in going to the west, it’s awful,” said Mayor Lafleur, regarding the situation for Casselman. Mayor St-Amour said the odour from GFL’s regional waste operation near Moose Creek is often a problem for resi- dents in the Village of Saint-Isidore and surrouding neighbourhoods. Both mayors aired their concerns to GFL officials, during a recent open house in Moose Creek, concerning the company’s proposal for BNBKPSFYQBOTJPOPGJUT&BTUFSO0OUBSJP 8BTUF)BOEMJOH'BDJMJUZ &08)' 5IFDPNQBOZIBTBQQMJFEUPUIF0OUBSJP .JOJTUSZPG&OWJSPONFOUGPSBQQSPWBMPGB 15.1 million cubic metre expansion of its existing landfill and recycling facility site. GFL officials say the present 11.6 million cubic metre site is almost at capacity and will be filled up within half a dozen
Incineration option Both mayors understand that the expan- sion may be necessary for the regional waste facility’s future. But they wonder why GFL doesn’t consider adding a high- temperature incinerator to the facility to deal with some of the waste materials. “My biggest issue is they’re still burying garbage,” said St-Amour. “It’s archaic.” i8IZEPOUUIFZQVUJOBOJODJOFSBUPS u TBJE-BáFVSi*GUIFZFWFSFOMBSHFUIFJS dump site, then the smell will be worse.” Both mayors asked GFL officials about an incinerator option for the facility’s expan- sion plan but were not satisifed with the response. i8FEJEOUIBWFBOZBOTXFSCBDL uTBJE Lafleur. Casselman’s mayor expressed his concern about the situation to his fellow mayors on the United Counties of Prescott BOE3VTTFMMDPVODJM 6$13 EVSJOHUIF'F - bruary 12 committee of the whole session. 5IF&08)'JTMPDBUFEXJUIJOUIF6OJUFE Counties of Stormont-Dundas-Glengarry 6$4%( PVUTJEFPGUIF6$13TKVSJTEJDUJPO But Lafleur asked UCPR council to register BDPODFSOXJUIUIF.JOJTUSZPG&OWJSPONFOU BTQBSUPGUIFDVSSFOUSFWJFXQSPDFTTGPS GFL Ltd.’s operation expansion proposal.
GFL Environmental Ltd. veut étendre sa décharge et ses activités de recyclage des déchets à Moose Creek. L’expansion proposée de 15,1 millions de mètres cubes permettra à l’installation de continuer à fonctionner après que son site actuel aura atteint sa capacité maximale, dans les six prochaines années. Les maires de Casselman et de la municipalité de La Nation veulent savoir comment l’entreprise traitera le problème des odeurs pour son exploitation actuelle et future, un problème qui affecte certaines parties de leurs communautés. —supplied graphic
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