Maize 2023 booklet

Name: P7179

Bred by: Pioneer

P7179 is a new hybrid for 2023. It is an extra early maturing hybrid that delivers a very high starch content and has high dry matter yield for its maturity. It has a flint dent starch texture.

FAO 170/ MC9

Use : Forage, AD or Grain

Relative DM Yield



100 %

37 %


50,000 Kernel packs

Name: Lovely Bred by: Grainseed Excellent early vigour for quick establishment, with excellent resistance to lodging. Good cob to bulk ratio to fill your clamp with a top quality feed.

Maturity class: 9 ( FAO 170 )

Agronomic Factor: 26.41

Recommended Use: Forage

CWD: 57.93

DM Yield ( t/ha )

ME ( MJ/kg DM )

Starch 34.87



45,000 Kernel packs

*At harvest

Name: Yukon Bred by: Limagrain Yukon stands well and has excellent potential for grain or crimped maize production. Proven performance and a truly reliable variety.

Maturity Class: 9 ( FAO 180 )

Recommended Use: Forage or Grain

DM Yield ( % )

ME ( MJ/kg DM )

Starch yield %




*At harvest.

50,000 Kernel packs

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