Maize 2023 booklet

Maize Agronomy

Herbicides Pre-emergence Broad leaved weeds and grass weeds – PDM ( Anthem ) Post-emergence ( before buttress roots develop ) Broad leaved weeds – mesotrione ( Temsa ) or pyridate ( Diva ) Thistles – clopyralid ( Dow Shield ) Docks and volunteer potatoes – fluroxypyr ( Hurler ) Grass weeds – nicosulfuron ( Fornet )

Fungicides Eyespot – azoxystrobin ( Tazer )

Soil Analysis As maize is a valuable crop with a high demand for nutrients it is important to know the soil pH and available nutrient levels in order to apply the necessary lime and fertiliser to ensure healthy crops. Maize needs a pH of 5.8-7.0, but the optimal pH is 6.8. The field should be limed if the pH is 6.0 or lower.

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