3 NEW SHEDS NORTH CAROLINA Supply Men’s Shed Supply, NC. (NC Shed #1, US Reg. Shed 31) Sponsored by: Brunswick Senior Resources, Inc. Leads: Pete Urgola This is the 1st North Carolina Shed! It will launch with a primary focus on ‘model trains.’ Leland Men’s Shed Leland, NC. (NC Shed #2, US Reg. Shed 32) Sponsored by: Brunswick Senior Resources, Inc. Leads: Ken Graphics, Merlin Osgood, Ronald West This is the 2nd North Carolina Shed! It will launch with a focus on educational and social activities Calabash Men’s Shed Calabash, NC. (NC Shed #3, US Reg. Shed 33) Sponsored by: Brunswick Senior Resources, Inc. Facilitator: Phil White, Co-Chair Richard Ward This is the 3rd North Carolina Shed and will launch with a focus on community service, socializing and fitness
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