USMSA Board Members
Steve Werner: In 2018, Steve was instrumental in starting the North County Men’s Shed in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, and in 2019 he joined the Board of the US Men’s Shed Association. Steve’s education is in Chemistry and Civil Engineering. His career includes working for an international petrochemical company and a major environmental engineering firm with responsibility for a division of 400 scientists and support personnel. Steve has traveled extensively throughout the world. His volunteer work has included teaching various merit badges to the Boy Scouts, serving as Vice Chair of a chapter of SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives), he is a church elder, and he has served on his township Environmental Advisory Council. Mark Winston: Mark Winston, a Director of the USMSA, has worked in the Men’s Shed movement in the US for over five years and helped start the second Men’s Shed in Canada in 2014. Mark has been an entrepreneur for half his life and was a consultant in starting new businesses and raising venture capital. Mark’s motto is: “Helping others is the best thing you can do for yourself. We Are Stronger Together...” David Helmers has dedicated his career to the development of the Australian Men’s Shed Association. The idea of creating an Association to represent Men’s Sheds collectively and to freely share information between sheds was conceived at the National Conference in 2007. An estimated 3,000 Men’s Sheds operate in 12 different countries based on this uniquely Australian concept. David continues to peruse the development of Men’s Sheds. He advocates for social health and the prevention of social isolation that many men are vulnerable to following the loss of employment. Sandra Manon i s a member of the Four County Suicide Prevention Coalition as well as a 1st responder volunteer to the scene of a suicide through the Four County L.O.S.S team (Local Outreach for Survivors of Suicide). Sandra lost her dad at age 66 by suicide on September 10th, 2007 – World Suicide Prevention Day and it has become a part of her life’s journey ever since. It was her work on the Coalition that led her to the US Men’s Shed Association. Sandra is passionate about finding ways for people to engage in positive mental health and is a mental health speaker in Northwest Ohio. She is thankful for the purpose God had to use her pain to support and encourage others. Sandra has a bachelor’s degree in communications from Eastern Michigan University. Professionally, she is an Executive Administrative Assistant in higher education at Northwest State Community and is a trained Stephen’s Ministry Care Giver. When she isn’t working or volunteering she loves spending time with her husband Andy and 3 kids Kiersten, Emily & Jacob.
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