
Visual | Tabletop Columns

Budget Bubble Tube Our Budget Bubble Tubes are switch adapted for bubble control. The colours cycle brightly in a darkened room. 12v Power Supply included. • 120cm x 10cm diameter 9BC120U

£279.00 XV

Column Carry Case Our Mini Bubbler (or Tabletop Hurricane) zips into this secure foam block. 9CLCC £129.00 XV

Mini Bubbler Switch-controlled and sturdy. 12v Power Supply included. • 66cm x 10cm dia 3BCSST

£325.00 XV

Budget Hurricane Tube A waterless column, switch controllable and highly interactive. • 120 x 10cm dia 9HC120U

£279.00 XV

Tabletop Hurricane Highly interactive tabletop reward, children can cover the grill at the top with their hands to affect the airflow. • 60 x 10cm dia 3HCSST £325.00 XV

Please note prices exclude VAT. XV = VAT exemptible. See website.



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