NSI Stem Cell Aug 2017

A R egenerative A pproach to M ultiple S clerosis Multiple sclerosis is an immune system disorder that affects millions worldwide. In the United States, about 200 new cases of multiple sclerosis (MS) are diagnosed every week. For decades, a safe and effective treatment was just out of reach. Now, the medical science community is welcoming a groundbreaking treatment: stem cell therapy. switch function and perform as any type of cell — they are suited to address the relapses and symptoms associated with MS. While certain symptoms may be managed through conventional medication to an extent, treating MS with stem cells goes beyond masking symptoms and, instead, stops the cause of the relapses.

Following stem cell treatment, repair and regeneration spur a cascade of relief from the following symptoms:

Treating MS with stem cell therapy is a specialty of NSI Stem Cell Centers. The key goal of regenerative medicine for MS treatment is to reset the patient’s immune system, ending its attack on the body’s nerve cells. Treating MS with stem cells also repairs and heals damage, regrowing healthy nerve tissue as needed. Plus, the treatment is exceptionally safe, with a far lower than average risk of rejection. In MS, the myelin sheath can become compromised. This covering insulates the core of a nerve fiber, protecting the nerve and facilitating the transmission of nerve impulses. Myelin sheaths are found on the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord. Damage to these sheaths prevents the transmission of messages between the brain and body. Any symptom of MS is essentially caused by body- brain communication becoming slow, distorted, mixed up, overly weakened, or overly intensified — or stopping altogether.

• Fatigue and lack of energy • Tingling and numbness in extremities or other areas of the body • Joint pain and discomfort • Balance and mobility problems • Vision problems • Mental conditions, such as depression or anxiety • Mood swings • Impairment in thinking, lapses in logic, and memory loss • Impairment of understanding and reasoning • Poor muscle coordination, muscle spasms, stiffness of joints, or wasting muscles • Sexual dysfunction related to physical changes, hormonal imbalances, and nerve damage • Impaired speech, such as slurring or stuttering • Incontinence of the bladder and bowel

Repair to the myelin sheath must be done at the cellular level. Because stem cells exhibit plasticity — they have the ability to

Avocado and Cucumber Cold Soup


• 2 medium ripe avocados, halved • 1 large cucumber, halved • 6 stalks spring onions • 1 jalapeno

• 1 lemon, juiced • ½ cup cold water • 1 clove garlic • ¾ teaspoon salt • ½ teaspoon black pepper 4. Chop grilled veggies and puree with lemon juice, cold water, garlic, salt, and black pepper. 5. Once smooth, portion soup into bowls and refrigerate to cool before serving. 6. Garnish with toasted cubed bread, avocados, spring


1. Preheat grill to medium-high. 2. Coat halved avocados with lemon juice to avoid browning. Brush olive oil over avocados, cucumber, spring onions, and jalapeno. Oil grill while hot.

3. Grill vegetables until everything is grilled or slightly charred. Once

onions, chives, lemon zest, or a drizzle of olive oil, if desired.

grilled, remove and place on platter to cool.

Recipe inspired by kirantarun.com.

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