King's Business - 1915/12


Death Calls One of Our Students Enroute to China to Become a Missionary

A MONG the missionaries who sailed on ■f*-Jhe 3rd of October for China were Mr. and Mrs. William Golby, going out under the auspices of the Missionary Alli­ ance, and it was an inexpressibly sad and strange act of providence, that death took her from the side of her young husband arrd from her chosen life-work, before she had opportunity to reach her field of labor. - ~ i Mr. Colby is a -member of the Fisher­ men’s Club, was a student in the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles, and afterwards a student in the Nyack Institute, and had spent the last year in this city preparatory to his departure for China. Mrs. Colby, known to all as Miss Elsie Jones, was for a number of years, a member of the Ly­ ceum Club, and a graduate of the Los Angeles State Normal School. They had

been married but a short time, but had long been' looking forward to service in China. Mrs. Colby became ill -early in the voy­ age, and passed away upon reaching Hono­ lulu. Mr. Colby cabled to her mother in this city, and it was agreed that, her daughter should be buried in Honolulu, and that he should continue his journey, taking up his assigned work with the con­ sciousness thitt it was all a part of God’s strange but always blessed plan. Our hearts sympathize with the bereaved husband who has been subjected to this severe testing, as well as with her mother and other relatives, and. we. trust our readers will pray that God may manifest the exceeding riches'of His grace to them in this hour of trial.


Whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. — Matt. xvi. 25. “A man must live!” We justify Low shift and trick, to treason high, A little vote for a little gold, Or a whole senate bought and sold, With this self-evident reply— . “A man must live!” But is it so? Pray tell me why Life at such cpst you have to buy? In what religion were you told A man must live ? There are times When a fnan must die! There are times when a man will die !

Imagine for' a battle cry From soldiers with a swprd to hold,' From soldiers with a flag unfurled, This coward’s whine, this liar’s lie— “A man must live!” The Saviour did not “live!” Fie died! But in His death was life, Life for Himself and all mankind. He found His life by losing i t ! And we, being crucified Afresh with Him, may find Life in the cup of death, And drinking it Win life for evermore.

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