King's Business - 1915/12

WORLD’S EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE Invitation of the World’s Committee for the Annual Universal Week of Prayer

T HE World’s Evangelical Alliance, through its general committee, of which Dr. R. A. Torrey is a member, has issued its call for the observance of the universal Week of Prayer,- beginning Sunday, Janu­ ary 2, 1916, and closing on Saturday, Janu­ ary 8 . The call in full follows: To all who, everywhere, are in fellowship with the Father and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, through the eternal spirit. Beloved Brethren: We greet you in days of mourning. Never in the history of the Evangelical Alliance have we sent forth our usual invitation for United Prayer in circumstances so sad and so sol­ emn as those which have involved many nations in mortal strife, and grieved and shocked others not directly implicated. Silence on such a matter would be affecta­ tion, and worse would be any word that might wound. Whatever may be deemed to be the causes of the conflict, every servant of Him who “maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth” will be drawn to united and earnest intercession for the healing of breaches, for restored brotherliness of the peoples, and for the blessings of a just and lasting peace. Once in the world’s darkest days saints of God, remembering the last promise of their sacred Scriptures that a “Sun of Righteousness” should “arise with healing in His wings,” were waiting for “the con­ solation of Israel.” So, in these latter times, may His servants, who are calling upon and witnessing unto their coming Lord, experience the fulfilment of a like promise which closes a later revelation. May every Christian ear be waiting to hear the Bridegroom’s voice, “Behold, I come quickly,” and may every Christian con­ science, cleansed from all sin, be ready to reply, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.” In addition to audible prayer, we recom­ mend that the following topics be made the subject of guided and silent interces­ sion at united meetings. We also ask that the topics may be utilized at family wor­ ship, and in private devotions: Sunday, January 2.—Texts suggested for sermons and addresses: “The Sun of Righteousness . . . with Healing in His Wings,” Mai. 4 :2; “Behold, I come Quickly,” Rev. 26:17-20; “The Greatest of These is Love,” 1 Cor. 13:13; “Whatso­

ever We Ask, We Receive, Because . . . ,” 1 John 3 :22 ; “The Lord is. Righteous . . . the Lord is nigh . . . He will Fulfill the Desire . . . ,” Psa. 114:17-19. Monday, January 3.—“Thanksgiving and Humiliation.” Thanksgiving: For all that God has revealed of Himself in the Lord Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit ; that he is unchanged and unchangeable ; for many proofs of the power of the Gospel in the faithful ministry of the Word. Humiliation : For the sins that weaken the Church in its influence on the world ; for continued neg­ lect of the Lord’s Day and the Written Word; for prevalent disregard of the Com­ ing of the Lord. Scripture Readings : Psalm 19; Malachi 3:1-6; John 1:1-18; Hebrews 13:7-21. Tuesday, January 4.—“The Church Uni­ versal; the ‘One Body’ of Which Christ is the Head.” Prayer : For wider and deeper thoughts of the unity of the Church and the inter-relation of its members; for a fuller witness to Christ, Prophet, Priest and King; for more consecrated service to mankind in home and forëign lands. Script­ ure Readings: Psalm 133; Acts 1:1-8; 1 Cor. 12:12-27. Wednesday^ January ' 5—“Nations and Their Rulers.” Prayer: That the con­ science of all nations may be so-enlightened by the Holy Spirit as to make for universal peace; that purity of morals, respect for authority, and the sensu of mutual obliga­ tions may be increased; for all public serv­ ants in Government and other offices; for soldiers, sailors, policemen and railway em­ ployees ; that unselfishness may characterize the relations between employers and em­ ployed. Scripture Readings : Psalm 67 ; Proverbs 14;26-35; Romans 13:1-7; Mat­ thew 22:15-22. Thursday, Jan. 6 .—“Missions.” Prayer: That hindrances to world evangelisation may be removed, especially those caused by conflict between professing Christian na­ tions; that East and West may be drawn closer together in the “one body” and the “one hope ;” that racial antipathies may disappear in the love of God; that in all churches the call of Christ for witness unto Him among all nations may be put in the forefront of service; that all Christians may have deeper and more active convic­ tions of the power of the Gospel for Jew and Gentile. Scripture Readings: Psalm 67; Isaiah 6:1-8; Matt. 9:35-38; Eph. 3:1-8. .

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