King's Business - 1915/12



A group of candidates were being exam­ ined in Korea. Among the missionaries in charge of the service was a sweet young woman from Wellesley. She feared to frighten and embarrass an elderly Korean woman ,by difficult questions, so placing her arms across her shoulder, she said quietly, “Tell me a story about Jesus,” And the Korean woman with face aglow began her simple recital. She camé to the Cal­ vary scené. She told it all bravely till the time when the nails were driven into His tender feet and hands, and she broke down utterly and with sobs and broken voice she murmured, “I can’t tell that part. It breaks my heart.” 0, for a larger realization of Calvary ! Oh, for a heart broken with the thought of the anguish of our blessed Lord! Blessed Master, help me to love as Thou hast loved, that only God and man shall stand out in my mind and heart, and all be forgotten of color or garb, and human need alone appeal. A wise word from Mr. Allen comes from Urumiah, Western Persia, in the realm of Islam. “It is not our work so much to destroy Mohammed, as it is to exalt Christ. It does not seem necessary to me for us to tell these, people anything about Mo­ hammed, whether he is a sinner or not ; but our calling is to present Christ as the Saviour, so far beyond comparison as not to be named in connection with Moham­ med. A Moslem friend said to me the other day when we were talking about these things: ‘The Persians never print anything against the Christ; why should you draw them and yourselves into con­ troversy and perhaps enmity by printing against Mohammed i Print as much as you will about Christ and no one will complain.’ ” A trader passing a converted cannibal in Africa asked him what he was doing. “Oh, I am reading the Bible,” was the re­ ply. “The book is out of date in my coun­ try,” said the foreigner. “If it had been out of date here,” said the African to the European, “you’d have been eaten long ago.”

A new movement in behalf of the Jews called Pro Causa Hebraica has been started in Italy, says the Record of Christian Work. . Its backers are both Jewish and other men of influence—professors, writers, s t a t e s m e n — and strong committees have already' come into existence in Flor­ ence, Milan, and elsewhere. Its purpose is to impress on public opinion the urgent necessity of relieving the sorrowful estate of European Jews by allotting to them the land of Palestine for the establishment of an autonomous state. This new movement has no formal connection with Zionism. Two hundred Russian notables have signed an appeal to the Russan people against anti-Semite movements. Among the names are those of Senators, members of the Duma, professors, authors, and great industrials. Mr. Baker, an American Baptist mis­ sionary in Gngole, India, writes : “The German missionaries are among the best in India. Some of them are among my warmest personal friends. During these dark days they will patiently endure hun­ ger and deprivation and divide what they have with {he native workers dependent upon them.” The workers in the towns and villages where the great mass of the Japanese peo­ ple will be found, testify to an open door and an unprecedented intellectual accessi­ bility, and we had occasion to see how ripe the field is for widespread moral and re­ ligious movements in the great cities. The Japanese churches and the missions from abroad are carrying on at the present time a three-year evangelistic campaign. The campaign was in progress in Osaka when we were there. It was widely advertised throughout the city through one- of the great Japanese advertising agencies, the head of whiej? is a Christian. Great meetings for men and women were held daily, at,which hundreds of cards werg received signed by those who were ready to study Christianity. — R. E. Spear.

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