King's Business - 1915/12


Vol 6

No. 12


E D I T O R I A L Elsewhere in this issue of T h e K ing ’ s B usiness will be found the earnest call of the World’s Evangel- ical Alliance) requesting that all God’s servants may unite, during the first week of January, 1916, in special

A Universal Week of Prayer.

intercession for the blessings of peace between alb nations and in prayers of thanksgiving and humiliation. The suggested topics for consideration will be found both comprehensive .and interesting.

In our January number we will begin a new depart- ment conducted by Dr. William Evans, Associate Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The title of the department will be “Through the New Testa­


New Department.

ment Book by Book.” The purpose of these studies will be to give a general synopsis of each book in the New Testament. Of course, many of the books will require more than a single article. The Homiletical Department, now called “Hints and Helps,” will also be conducted by Dr. Evans. The purpqse of this department will be to provide general suggestions and helps for preachers and those engaged in various form's of Christian service. We have been greatly encouraged by the many letters that have come to us from min­ isters and missionaries -and Christian workers in many lands speaking of the great help in their work that they have found in the various departments of T h e K ing ’ s B u sine ss .

A considerable number of subscribers have been placed upon our list through the benevolence of persons whose hearts were touched by the appeal of ministers and missionaries in foreign fields, stating their in­

Who Will- Help Them?

ability to pay the subscription price. The fund is now exhausted but we have prayerful anticipations of its replenishment. The appeals continue to come, among the most recent being from a minister in India. Among other things he writes: “The sermons, sermon outlines and expositions on the International Sun­ day School Lessons, published in your very valuable magazine, T h e K ing ’ s B usiness , are especially useful to me. I receive a salary equivalent to only $5 a month and it is not possible for me to subscribe. My request to you is to kindly arrange with some other brother or sister so that I may receive it regu­ larly. It is a great disappointment to me to be "without it. For this charity I shall be ever grateful.”

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