King's Business - 1915/12



from each member of the family at the breakfast table, with the Lord’s Prayer in concert, makes a very good form of family worship where some have to hurry away to business immediately after break­ fast.

In some families the custom prevails of each member repeating a ' verse of Scrip­ ture at family worship. In one family each child has a promise each day, and Sunday mornings they repeat all the promises they have 'learned during the week. A verse

Nearest the Throne

Fairest and best adorned is she Whose clothing is humility! The saint fhat wears Heaven’s brightest crown In deepest adoration bends ; The weight of glory bows him down The most when most his soul ascends ; Nearest the throne itself must be The foot-stool of humility. —J ames M ontgomery . them to conclude, against the evidence of their eyes, that there was really hardly a shadow of essential resemblance. Webster rose to reply. “But, gentlemen of the jury,” said he, as he opened wide his great black eyes, and stared at the big twin wheels before him, “there they are—look at ’em!” And-as he thundered out these words, it was as though one of Jupiter’s bolts had struck the earth. That one sentence and look shattered Choate’s subtle argument to atoms, and the cunning sophistry on the “fixation of points” dis­ solved as into air.

The bird that soars on highest wing Builds on the ground her lowly nest; And she that dost most sweetly sing Sings in the shade when all things rest; In lark and nightingale we see What honor hath, humility. When Mary chose the “better part,” She meekly sat at Jesus’ feet; And Lydia’s gently opened heart Was made for God’s own temple meet; The late Dr. Arthur T. Pierson said: Always test argument by common sense. What is called “metaphysics” is often only a beclouding of a hearer’s mind by subtle­ ties fhat are meant to confuse and be­ wilder. A certain case at law turned on the resemblance between two car wheels, and Webster and Choate were the oppos­ ing counsel. To a common eye, the wheels looked as if made from the same model; but Choate, by a train of hair-splitting rea­ soning and a profound discourse on the “fixation of points,” tried to overwhelm the jury with metaphysics and compel

FORM OF BEQUEST All bequests should be made to “Bible Institute of Los An­ geles” and NOT to “The Bible Institute” as formerly but errone­ ously, advertised. The following is the correct form: I give and bequeath to Bible Institute of Los Angeles, incor­ porated under the laws of the State of California_____________ Dollars, and I direct that the release of the' President of the Board of Directors of said Bible Institute shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors in the premises.

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