Bibles and Testaments for Christmas Giving King James and American Standard Versions We give below a list of Bibles and Testaments which we can recom mend as being suitable for Christmas Gifts
MEDIUM TYPE TESTAMENTS— KING JAMES VERSION French Morocco, limp, linen lined, round cor ners, gilt edges. English type. Size, 8%x5% inches. (0293) _____ $1.50 French Morocco, divinity circuit, round corners, red under gold edges, leather lined. THE WORDS OF CHRIST ARE PRINTED IN RED. Minion type. Size, 4%x3% inches. (02298) .... .......... $1.25 Persian Morocco, divinity circuit, red under gold edge, leather lined. Black-face Jasper type. Size of page, 7x454 inches. (L 285)..$2.50 Alaska Seal, divinity circuit, leather lined, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. India paper. THE WORKER’S .TESTA MENT, with selected passages in bold faced type. Size, 4%x2% inches. (0368x)..$1.75 MEDIUM TYPE TESTAMENTS— AM ER ICAN STANDARD VERSION Egyptian Seal, divinity circuit, round' corners, red under gold edges. W ITH PSALMS. Minion type. Size 6x4 inches. (484 P)..$1.00 Egyptian Seal, round corners, red under gold edges. W ITH PSALMS. Minion type. India paper. 3%x4% inches. (384XP).... $1.25 Best Levant, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold sedges. Minion type. Size, 6x4 inches. (495) • __$ 3.00 PO CK E T BIBLES— T EX T ONLY— AU THOR IZED VERSION French Morocco, divinity circuit, round cor ners, leath er. lined, red under gold edges, black-faced pearl type. Size, 5%x3% inches. A wonderfully clear type in a small book. (0139) ..................— | — ...---------------....._____$ 1.50 Alaska Seal, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges, India paper. Size, 5%x3 54 inches, and only $4 inches thick. (0148X)._____$3.00 Purple Persian Morocco, powder grain, im itation silk lined, divinity circuit, round corners, purple under gold edges. Size, 554x3% inches.’ Six maps. (01137).._______ ...>.....$1.75 French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined, round corners, red under gold edges. Size* 6 %x4%x% inches. India paper. A beautiful thin pocket Bible. (01166x).............. $2.25 Keratol, divinity circuit, round corners, gilt edges. Minion type. Size, '5%x3% inches. Six maps. (01325)--------------- .$1.00 Levant Morocco, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. India paper.. Size, 554x354x1 inches. Minion type. Six maps. (01380x) --- --------—......—i --------------- .....—$4.50
MEDIUM TYPE BIBLES— KING JAMES VERSION— REFERENCE BIBLES French Morocco, divinity circuit, round corners, red under gold ' edges. Nonpareil type. Size 63fjx4J| inches. Contains 12 maps. (03232X) __ ---------------— ......— ...-.-$1.75 Levant Morocco, divinity circuit, cali lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. SELF-PRONOUNCING. India paper. Minion type. Size 8x5j(xj£ inches. (0348530 i , P P g |------------- I — -S 6-50 French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined, round corners, red under gold edges. India paper. Brevier type, black-faced. Size, 7x4^4 inches. One inch thick. (03303x)-.$3.00 French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined, round corners, red under gold edges. SELF PRONOUNCING. Brevier type. India pa per. - Size, 7^x534 inches, and only 11-16 of an inch thick-. (03505X) ----------------$3.50 Persian Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. Brevier type. SELF PRONOUNCING. India paper. Size 7%x5M inches. 11-16 of an inch thick. (O3514X)-$4.50 Syrian Levant, divinity circuit, red under gold edge, leather lined to edge. Black-face M in ion type. SELF-PRONOUNCING. India paper. Open flat ^Unbreakable back. Teachers’ Bible. Size, 7}4x5}4 inches. One inch thick. (M 133x)...._.:._.--....-.-.---------,-$4.00 French Morocco, divinity circuit, red under gold edge. Black-face Jasper type. India paper. Size 'of page, 7x4?4 inches. One inch thick CONCORDAkCE (L 105X) ------ $3.75 French Morocco, same as above excepting th at it has Minion type and is 6%x454 inches m size. (H105X)______ _— — $3-00 MEDIUM TY PE BIBLES— AMERICAN STANDARD VERSION— REFER ENCE BIBLES Egyptian Seal, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, round corners, red under gold edges. CONCORDANCE. India paper. Black faced Minion type.. Siz^i 7 x ^ inches. Three-quarters of an inch thick. (2053x)..$4.00 Egyptian Seal, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, round corners, red under gom. edges. Teachers’ edition. SELF-PRO NOUNCING. India paper. Minion type. 7x4% inches. (2153X)......-----..........—...------ .$4.50 Best Levant, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red und^r gold edges. Black-faced Minion type. Teachers’ edition. SELF-PRONOUNCING. India paper. Size, 7x4% inches. (2155x)...............--------$7.50 Sealskin, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. Teachers’ edition. Bourgeois type. India paper. 8x5% inches. (2177x)-----$10.00
sealskin, .divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. India paper. Size, 6%x4% inches. I he largest type hand Bible in the smallest compass made. Splendidly printed from new black-faced type. (01388x)........... .$7 00 Order from the BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Los Angeles, California.
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