King's Business - 1915/12

Bibles and Testaments for Christmas Giving King James and American Standard Versions We give below a list of Bibles and Testaments which we can recom­ mend as being suitable for Christmas Gifts

MEDIUM TYPE TESTAMENTS— KING JAMES VERSION French Morocco, limp, linen lined, round cor­ ners, gilt edges. English type. Size, 8%x5% inches. (0293) _____ $1.50 French Morocco, divinity circuit, round corners, red under gold edges, leather lined. THE WORDS OF CHRIST ARE PRINTED IN RED. Minion type. Size, 4%x3% inches. (02298) .... .......... $1.25 Persian Morocco, divinity circuit, red under gold edge, leather lined. Black-face Jasper type. Size of page, 7x454 inches. (L 285)..$2.50 Alaska Seal, divinity circuit, leather lined, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. India paper. THE WORKER’S .TESTA­ MENT, with selected passages in bold­ faced type. Size, 4%x2% inches. (0368x)..$1.75 MEDIUM TYPE TESTAMENTS— AM ER ­ ICAN STANDARD VERSION Egyptian Seal, divinity circuit, round' corners, red under gold edges. W ITH PSALMS. Minion type. Size 6x4 inches. (484 P)..$1.00 Egyptian Seal, round corners, red under gold edges. W ITH PSALMS. Minion type. India paper. 3%x4% inches. (384XP).... $1.25 Best Levant, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold sedges. Minion type. Size, 6x4 inches. (495) • __$ 3.00 PO CK E T BIBLES— T EX T ONLY— AU THOR IZED VERSION French Morocco, divinity circuit, round cor­ ners, leath er. lined, red under gold edges, black-faced pearl type. Size, 5%x3% inches. A wonderfully clear type in a small book. (0139) ..................— | — ...---------------....._____$ 1.50 Alaska Seal, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges, India paper. Size, 5%x3 54 inches, and only $4 inches thick. (0148X)._____$3.00 Purple Persian Morocco, powder grain, im itation silk lined, divinity circuit, round corners, purple under gold edges. Size, 554x3% inches.’ Six maps. (01137).._______ ...>.....$1.75 French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined, round corners, red under gold edges. Size* 6 %x4%x% inches. India paper. A beautiful thin pocket Bible. (01166x).............. $2.25 Keratol, divinity circuit, round corners, gilt edges. Minion type. Size, '5%x3% inches. Six maps. (01325)--------------- .$1.00 Levant Morocco, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. India paper.. Size, 554x354x1 inches. Minion type. Six maps. (01380x) --- --------—......—i --------------- .....—$4.50

MEDIUM TYPE BIBLES— KING JAMES VERSION— REFERENCE BIBLES French Morocco, divinity circuit, round corners, red under gold ' edges. Nonpareil type. Size 63fjx4J| inches. Contains 12 maps. (03232X) __ ---------------— ......— ...-.-$1.75 Levant Morocco, divinity circuit, cali lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. SELF-PRONOUNCING. India paper. Minion type. Size 8x5j(xj£ inches. (0348530 i , P P g |------------- I — -S 6-50 French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined, round corners, red under gold edges. India paper. Brevier type, black-faced. Size, 7x4^4 inches. One inch thick. (03303x)-.$3.00 French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined, round corners, red under gold edges. SELF­ PRONOUNCING. Brevier type. India pa­ per. - Size, 7^x534 inches, and only 11-16 of an inch thick-. (03505X) ----------------$3.50 Persian Morocco, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. Brevier type. SELF­ PRONOUNCING. India paper. Size 7%x5M inches. 11-16 of an inch thick. (O3514X)-$4.50 Syrian Levant, divinity circuit, red under gold edge, leather lined to edge. Black-face M in­ ion type. SELF-PRONOUNCING. India paper. Open flat ^Unbreakable back. Teachers’ Bible. Size, 7}4x5}4 inches. One inch thick. (M 133x)...._.:._.--....-.-.---------,-$4.00 French Morocco, divinity circuit, red under gold edge. Black-face Jasper type. India paper. Size 'of page, 7x4?4 inches. One inch thick CONCORDAkCE (L 105X) ------ $3.75 French Morocco, same as above excepting th at it has Minion type and is 6%x454 inches m size. (H105X)______ _— — $3-00 MEDIUM TY PE BIBLES— AMERICAN STANDARD VERSION— REFER ­ ENCE BIBLES Egyptian Seal, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, round corners, red under gold edges. CONCORDANCE. India paper. Black­ faced Minion type.. Siz^i 7 x ^ inches. Three-quarters of an inch thick. (2053x)..$4.00 Egyptian Seal, divinity circuit, leather lined to edge, round corners, red under gom. edges. Teachers’ edition. SELF-PRO­ NOUNCING. India paper. Minion type. 7x4% inches. (2153X)......-----..........—...------ .$4.50 Best Levant, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red und^r gold edges. Black-faced Minion type. Teachers’ edition. SELF-PRONOUNCING. India paper. Size, 7x4% inches. (2155x)...............--------$7.50 Sealskin, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. Teachers’ edition. Bourgeois type. India paper. 8x5% inches. (2177x)-----$10.00

sealskin, .divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. India paper. Size, 6%x4% inches. I he largest type hand Bible in the smallest compass made. Splendidly printed from new black-faced type. (01388x)........... .$7 00 Order from the BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Los Angeles, California.

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