King's Business - 1915/12

Books for Christmas Giving The books listed below are especially suitable for children from 5 to 10 years old. If you are desirous of your children getting the correct doctrinal teaching early in life, put these books into their hands OUR LOVING SAVIOUR

THE PEEP OF DAY SERIES has stood the test of time for the instruc-. tion of children of various ages in the Holy Scriptures. We carry the entire series, each book containing illustrations and maps, bound in red cloth. By Mrs. M. Mortimer. Price of each__._____ ______^..____________ 60c They are listed below in the order suggested for Use. PEEP OF DAY This, is intended to be read aloud to the smallest children. The first lesson is of God and the bodies th at he has given us. This is followed by _other lessons which lead to the Bible stories of Adam and Eve, the first sin, the birth of Jesus and the leading events of His life upon earth. STREAKS OF LIGHT This relates chiefly to the same events as in “Peep of Day,” and is somewhat ampli­ fied and adorned by -exquisite hymns, se­ lected from numerous poets. This should also be 'read aloud to the child. LINE UPON LINE This is in two volumes. They make the child acquainted with the outline of Old Testam ent history. I t is probable th at by the time this book is reached the child will be able to read the books for himself. PRECEPT UPON PRECEPT This contains a fuller explanation of the Gospels than th at contained in the two vol­ umes which opened the series. APOSTLES PREACHING TO JEWS AND GENTILES This first introduces the child to the scenes when the Gentiles were converted under the power of the Spirit. LINES LEFT OUT This contains the various miscellaneous his­ tories and the book of Judges. The earlier facts explained in “Line Upon Line” may be selected and intermixed w ith these new facts. THE KINGS OF ISRAEL AND JUDAH This book is joined to the former by the narrow 'isthm us of the histories of Saul and David. The principal parts of the his­ tories of these two kings m ight now be' read from the Bible. THE CAPTIVITY -The history of Judah during the seventy years of their captivity, «and howv at last they went back and rebuilt Jerusalem . MORE ABOUT JESUS* Here facts are brought before the c h ild - facts with which he is acquainted, but which require to b e- impressed upon his

The following stories are told in simple lan­ guage: The B irth of Christ; The W ise Men and the S tar; Jesus in the Temple; The Baptism of Christ; The Disciples of Jesus; Jesus in the Fisherm en’s Boat; Suffer L it­ tle Children to Come Unto Me; The A s­ cension. Full page colored illustrations. 10x12 inches---- ..----- ........._________ ;______ „..35c BIBLE TEXTS AND FLOWERS A painting book for children. Ten full-page colored illustrations and texts, ten full- page outlined illustrations and texts, and two blank pages. Size, 9x11 inches.__ 25c BIBLE PICTURES PAINTING BOOK Three full-page colored pictures with dup­ licate outlined pictures for painting, and twenty small pictures both colored and out­ lined. Size, 9x11 inches. Instructions for painting ----..^...35c THE SUNDAY MODEL BOOK This is a novelty. The finished model is a representation of the visit of the shep­ herds to the Babe Jesus. The portions 6f th e model are furnished, and careful in­ structions for cutting, pasting and setting up are given. A picture of the completed model is also given............. ............. .1______35c THE TUCK-ME-UP BOOK By Lettice Bell. Bible stories with texts at the end. Twèlve stories, including “The Boy Who' Ran Away,” “The Basket Boat,” “The Beggar Who Used to Live in the Dark,” “The Roaring Lion,” “The Excuse M akers,” “The "Lost Donkeys,” etc. The stories are followed by a “Tuck-Me-Up Talk,” a “TuckjMe-Up Hymn,” and a prayer. Printed in large type with wide margins. Bound in red cloth____ ...___ .$1.00 A JEWELED CROWN By Eveleen Harrison. Bible stories of the garnet, am ethyst, bloodstone, diamond, em­ erald, agate, turquoise, sardonyx, sapphire, beryl, topaz, and ruby. .The author tells her storiep and points her morals in a way adm irablyv suited to those whom- she aims primarily to reach. Her style is bright and most readable,, while the applications she makes are true and very helpful. Well il­ lustrated. Ornamented pages. Bound in purple with gold ornam entation and let­ tering ..—..........:...i..„...-------—;___ FRANK BABA AND THE FORTY JUNGLE BROWNIES By Lilian Roderick. A •story of a boy of ten in India. Well written. A reprint from “Everyland,” June, 1914. Bound in blue boards with ornamented cover_____...___,25c heart. , Order from the BIOLA BOOK

ROOM, Los Angeles, California.

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