Wrigleyville Dental - May/June 2024

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In February, the American Dental Association came out with new recommendations for radiation safety. Since Wilhelm Röntgen’s first discovery of X-ray technology in 1895, we have learned a lot about radiographic safety and harm. We went from using no protection to using lead aprons to using double aprons on pregnant women. And remember the big hype in the news regarding using a thyroid collar (an additional neckpiece to cover the thyroid)? Fast-forward to today, and they’re tossing the whole lead apron use with X-rays out the window. What’s going on?! Let’s take a deep dive into this whole X-ray business. First of all, we must remember that the X-rays Röntgen and his colleagues used were a totally different beast. The settings were high, and the exposure time was very long as they experimented with this new technology. Obviously, there were detrimental health risks for this type of experimentation, which we learned from. But now, with modern digital technology, the exposure of radiographic images we can obtain has a different amount of radiation exposure and risk. LET’S LOOK AT SOME NUMBERS. Several organizations, including the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the International Commission on Radiological Protection, established standards that allow exposure of up to 5,000 mrem per year for those professionally working with radiation and 100 mrem per year for the general public. This is a 5-year average in addition to natural background sources. The 5-year average is taken because, in some years, you may need more radiography than in other years, which can be okay. According to NRC, the average annual dose per person from all natural and man-made sources is about 620 mrems! BUT WHAT ARE THESE ‘ADDITIONAL NATURAL BACKGROUND SOURCES’? Believe it or not, we live in a radioactive world. Radiation is always around us and is part of our natural environment. Cosmic radiation (from outer space) at sea level is about 26 mrem. When at elevations up to 1000 feet above sea level (like those of us living in Chicago), you get an additional 2 mrem per year; those living at 8,000+ feet above sea level get 70 mrem exposure. If you live in a state bordering the Gulf or Pacific coast, that’s an additional 23 mrem; around Denver Radiation in Dentistry: How Safe Is It?

Images of the hand specimen of an 86-year-old woman obtained with a vintage X-ray machine (left) and a modern X-ray system (right). The exposure time with the 1896 system was 21 minutes.

and the Colorado Plateau, it is 90 mrem, and most everywhere in the U.S. is about 46 mrem.

How about food? We typically get 40 mrem from food and water and 200 mrem from radon in the air! Another big factor is flying. You get about 1 mrem for every 1,000 flight miles. Things we do in everyday life expose us to radiation, including cooking on a gas stove, living in a brick house, sleeping next to someone, having a luminous wristwatch (LCD), watching TV, being out in the sun, and using our cell phones. HOW ABOUT DENTAL X-RAYS? When a patient receives four check-up X-rays (called bitewings), the patient is exposed to about 0.4 mrem when digital X-rays are used. That’s only 0.1 mrem per X-ray. When a full series is exposed (when 18 images are taken), the dose is 1.8 mrem. Comparatively, according to the EPA, a mammogram is about 13 mrem, and according to the Journal of American Orthopedic Surgery, a chest X-ray is about 25 mrem. In the grand scheme, a few dental X-rays a year (or every few years) shouldn’t negatively impact health. Even though these numbers are relatively small compared to the 100 mrem maximum exposure recommendation, we still want to have the least possible exposure. Of course, we don’t want to downplay the potential harm radiation can cause. So, if we’re already getting so much radiation around us, we want to minimize the exposure when possible.





BIOPHILIC DESIGN CONTRIBUTES TO TRANQUIL SPACES. Biophilic design incorporates nature within a living space, such as putting plants in living rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms. Integrating this and other natural elements like water features and ample natural light will help blend these spaces. The trend also includes plant-inspired textiles, e.g., pillows, curtains, upholstery, etc. These details bring tranquility and continue a tradition of melding the inside and outside without harsh boundaries. MAXIMALISM MAKES A COMEBACK. The minimalism of the 2010s is out. Maximalism is in, which means bold and vibrant colors and eclectic decor choices are gaining momentum. More people are embracing the idea that more is more, creating visually stunning spaces that reflect their personalities and diverse interests rather than opting for a sterile, monochrome ambiance.

HOME OFFICES EVOLVE. The rise of remote work has transformed the way we use homes. In 2024, the home office continues to evolve to accommodate this work-from-home hybrid model. Versatile yet ergonomic furniture, innovative but out-of- sight storage solutions, and personalized technology integration are becoming staples, creating home environments conducive to work and everyday living. MULTIFUNCTIONAL FURNITURE ENABLES FLEXIBLE LIVING. With space optimization becoming increasingly important, multifunctional furniture is gaining popularity. Homes must adapt to various needs, so why shouldn’t your furniture do the same? Sofa beds, convertible tables, and modular storage units are some popular ways to ensure your furniture is efficient and beautiful.

This year brings a new wave of interior design trends, transforming homes into havens of style and functionality. These trends offer a glimpse into the evolving landscape of interior design, but they’re not entirely new. Let’s explore the key trends shaping the homes of today and tomorrow.


eco-friendly materials are gaining popularity, reflecting our commitment

to reducing our carbon footprint in our living spaces. This isn’t new, as many homeowners and renters try their best to find and refurbish furniture made of recycled materials and use energy-efficient appliances and lighting. This trend continues as we embrace more sustainable designs.

SHEDDING LIGHT What Color Is the Sun?

Did you know the color of fire is determined by its temperature? For example, blue and violet flames are hottest at a scorching 2,900 degrees Fahrenheit, while red flames are considerably cooler at around 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit. This may leave you wondering: If the hottest fire on Earth is blue, why is the sun yellow? For starters, it isn’t. The explanation is fascinating and may surprise you! WHAT COLOR IS THE SUN? A star’s color — like fire — is based on its surface temperature and the wavelength of colors perceivable by the human eye. Like with fire on Earth, the coldest stars appear red, whereas the hottest stars appear blue. Our sun’s surface is around 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit — a median temperature as far as stars are concerned — and emits light across the entire visible color spectrum. However, our sun actually emits the greatest amount of light in a green wavelength, but not in great enough quantities for our eyes to perceive it. Because of

this, if we were to look at our sun from space,

the near-equal saturation of colors would cause us to perceive it as being white. Astronauts get the opportunity to witness the true color of the sun all the time — though I hope they don’t stare for too long. WE SEE FILTERED SUNLIGHT. The sun does not appear white from our perspective because of our atmosphere: When sunlight reaches Earth, our atmosphere filters out a greater proportion of blue light than red light, causing our sun to appear yellow. Likewise, when sunlight has to penetrate a greater proportion of our atmosphere — such as during sunrise and sunset — the sun takes on a red, vibrant appearance. Hopefully, this information helps you see the sun in a new light!



BEYOND THE BLACKBOARD Celebrating the Impact of Teachers on National Teacher Day

May 7 is National Teacher Day, a special occasion to recognize teachers’ monumental impact on our lives and youth development. Teachers are more than just educators — they are mentors, guides, and foundational figures for young minds. A teacher’s role expands beyond the classroom. These dedicated professionals go above and beyond daily to encourage curiosity, foster creativity, and nurture every student’s potential. They spend countless hours preparing lessons, grading assignments, and using their resources to enhance the learning experience. And, when the final school bell rings, their work doesn’t stop. Teachers continue to think about improving their students’ learning, reflecting on new methods and strategies after hours. Teaching extends beyond the traditional classroom setting. In many ways, everyone can be a teacher through our daily interactions. Whether through sharing knowledge, offering advice, or modeling positive behavior, we contribute to the collective education of our community.

KEEP LEARNING Education doesn’t end with school. Throughout our lives, we can continue engaging in new studies or hobbies. Your commitment can inspire others to pursue their educational interests, and you can grow new skills. SUPPORT EDUCATIONAL INITIATIVES We can all advocate for policies and funding that support educators and enrich school programs. Let’s ensure that the next generation receives a great education! By fostering a lifelong love of learning and supporting our educators, we uphold the essential role that teaching plays in societal growth and enrichment. Let’s celebrate and thank all formal and informal teachers for their invaluable contributions to our lives and communities!

Let’s take a look at some ways we can all celebrate National Teacher Day.

THANK A TEACHER Take a moment to appreciate the teachers who have impacted your life. A simple thank-you note, email, or small gift can mean a lot. SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE Consider volunteering at local schools, libraries, or community centers. Sharing your expertise can ignite passion and curiosity in others.



In our practice, we are taking measures to decrease exposure by only taking X-rays when necessary. If patients are not prone to cavities, we can delay taking X-rays by up to 2 years. But we also do not want to be negligent. A few dental X-rays can detect cavities and infections in kids and adults. It can prevent a small lesion from getting bigger, and we can potentially save a tooth instead of detecting a lesion that is too far gone and needs to be removed. Nowadays, early detection can do wonders. Our office is always at the forefront of technology, research, and safety. We look out for the health and safety of your mouth and your overall health and wellness. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments regarding this information.

Inspired by McCormick.com


• 1 13-oz can unsweetened coconut milk • 1 bag (12–16 oz) frozen mixed berries or 3 cups fresh berries and 1–2 cups ice • Honey or maple syrup, to taste (optional) • 1 tsp vanilla extract


1. Put coconut milk, frozen berries or fresh berries and ice, honey or maple syrup (if using), and vanilla into a blender and cover. 2. Blend on high speed until smooth. Serve immediately.

We look forward to being your partner in your wellness journey.

–Dr. Bernice Teplitsky



3256 N. Ashland Ave Chicago, IL 60657 773-975-6666 WrigleyvilleDental.com


Radiation in Dentistry Inside


A Symphony of Colors, Patterns, and Bold Statements


How Science Reveals Our Sun’s True Color


National Teacher Day and the Power of Education



Refreshing Vegan Fruit Smoothie

Add These Fun Summer Events to Your Calendar!



CHICAGO PRIDE PARADE On Sunday, June 30, the 53rd annual Chicago Pride Parade celebrates the LGBTQ+ community and its supporters. This exciting event will feature floats, dancers, and music throughout the Uptown and Lakeview neighborhoods. It’s a festive atmosphere where everyone is welcome to show their support and celebrate diversity and inclusion. GIBBONS 5K Join many supporters on June 1 at Montrose Harbor to run, walk, or cheer on the Gibbons 5K to raise money, awareness, and support for leukemia patients and survivors! All proceeds from the run will benefit the Leukemia Research Foundation. For little runners ages 3 and under, there will also be a Kids Dash and Tiny Trot! Lace up your sneakers: There are many other races all around the city all summer long! CRAFT BREWS AT LINCOLN PARK ZOO On Saturday, June 15, Lincoln Park Zoo will host over 100 craft beer and cider vendors for an evening of entertainment and fun. Stroll through the animal exhibits and stop by beer-tasting and food stations while enjoying live music! What better way to see the animals and wildlife after hours?

Chicago comes to life in the summer months! With the warmer weather and the excitement of summer vacation, the city is buzzing with events and activities. Here’s a look at some of the can’t-miss events to add to your calendar!


From June 6–9, The Chicago Blues Festival is the place to be. One of the city’s proudest traditions, this free blues festival at Ramova Theatre (opening night) and Millenium Park attracts top-tier talent and newcomers

to the blues genre. Expect multiple stages with live performances, workshops, and discussions that dive deep into the history and impact of blues music!

Whether you enjoy music, wildlife, or the great outdoors, there’s something for everyone this summer! Have fun, Chicago!


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