At NICHOLAS AIR, we rely on a strong set of core values to help guide us to be one of the most- respected private aviation brands in the world. Our responsible approach to growth has continued to yield great results, but has also made NICHOLAS AIR the highly-desired brand to work for that it is today. Our people come from all over the country to join our team, knowing that our program is backed by the values of accountability, integrity, and trust. And the result of being true to those values? The result is time and time again, NICHOLAS AIR has become the top destination for the industry’s most knowledgeable customers and the industry’s best employees. We believe in having the best aircraft, the best pilots, and the best team—all moving in the same direction to provide a world-class experience to the most refined set of private flyers. And our Members have noticed. They cast aside their previous fractional, jet card, and charter relationships to come be a part of our brand. More importantly, they stay with us for good.
As the industry continues to evolve, private flyers come to NICHOLAS AIR because both the company and the program have earned their places as the symbols of stability and corporate responsibility. Thoughtful decision making, financial responsibility, and a commitment to core values continue to shine in an industry that sees the landscape shift by the day. For those truly in the know, the decision to join NICHOLAS AIR is met with excitement and comfort, just like each flight onboard it’s young, modern fleet.
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