The State of Content Marketing Report 2019 by SEMrush

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HOD OLO Methodology

Most Expensive Keywords in the Content Marketing Industry

Content Marketing Trends

We collected more than 450,000 tweets in English posted between January and September 2019 with the #ContentMarketing hashtag. For the final analysis, we picked the tweets retweeted 20+ times and extracted the following data: Most popular hashtags used with #ContentMarketing Most popular topics discussed in the tweets (these were detected by our machine learning algorithm) *To find influencers, we looked at the accounts that published the most retweeted posts (20+ retweets) with the #ContentMarketing hashtag. We also took into account the number of likes and the number of publications ranked as top-performing tweets. For our Google queries analysis, we picked the keywords in English from searches related to content marketing (as a keyword) worldwide between January and September 2019. We then calculated the average monthly search volume for each keyword to make our lists of the top search queries and top questions asked on Google. Presence/absence and types of visual content Top content marketing influencers on Twitter*

We compared the costs of advertising on Google across different countries, states, and regions to find the keywords in English with the highest cost per click. Then we sorted these keywords to find those related to content marketing.

State of the Industry Blogs

We analyzed 1,000+ domains that run a blog from 10 industries that are among the most expensive for digital advertising (based on CPC in the period between April and September 2019). Then we found the URLs of the top 20 articles (from each of the considered blogs) that were getting the most traffic between April and September 2019 and looked at the

following characteristics: Traffic to blogs by device; Traffic to blogs by source; Types of articles that are getting the most traffic; Average article length.

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