King's Business - 1953-02

FromTheLand of 20,000,000 Heartaches*

Pointers on the Lesson H omer A. K ent , T h .D.

Helps for the Children A llison A rrowood

A homeless, wandering mother trudged wearily by with a dying two-year-old strapped to her back and a starving in­

Lesson material is based upon outlines of the International Sunday School Les­ sons copyrighted by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.

fant in her arms c r y i ng f o r the food she could not provide. The arm of death had reached out and taken the other members of the f ami ly. There was no hope, for the same arm now enfolded this helpless trio. Just when the light

Mar. 1, 1953 LOVE WARNS AND PLEADS Matt. 23:1-12,37-39


Pointers on the Lesson Keep in mind that Matthew is the Gospel of the King. In the twenty-third chapter, which is the subject of this week’s study, the King is beginning His famous Olivet discourse which continues through the twenty-fifth chapter. The chapter before us contains the King’s de­ nunciation of hypocrisy. There is a no more scathing rebuke of this sin any­ where to be found in the Word of God or anywhere else. What is hypocrisy? It is pretending to be something which one is not. It is the sin of Ananias and Sapphira. It is feigning a type of character which in reality is absent. It is like whited sepul­ chres which are filled with dead men’s bones. It is a profession which lacks possession. A good many people today are hiding behind the hypocrites in the church as their excuse for not accepting Christ as Saviour. If such people could only realize that to hide behind such sinners means that they must be smaller than those behind whom they hide! This makes their condition indeed sad. Such as these need to rush from their inse­ cure hiding place and get quickly to the Saviour. Warning Against the Pharisees 23:1-7 The trouble with the Pharisees was that they made their traditions of equal or more authority than the Scriptures. In so far as they sat “ in Moses’ seat” (v. 2) and interpreted the law correctly, their teaching should be observed but their own traditions and ceremonies should not be obeyed (w . 3, 4). Jesus goes on to say that in their observance of their man-made teachings and cere­ monies, the Pharisees do “ all their works . . . to be seen of men” (w . 5-7).

Exhortation to Humility 23:8-12

was going out, help came. Through the heroic and sacrificial work of missions, Dr. Boh Pierce, and many others (per­ haps you had a part), their lives were spared and many thousands like them. In HIS name, thank you for the help you gave. It has met a terrible physical need, and rightfully so— but now how about the spiritual needs? On an island off the Korean coast there are thousands of Chinese Com­ munist prisoners of war. A Godly chap­ lain has faithfully preached the Gospel to them. God has honored the sowing of the Word and some 15,000 have “ turned to God from idols”— (the idols of deified man—Communism). This chaplain Has given us an urgent call to provide the complete year’s Bible study and memory course to every one of these spiritually needy men. We dare not fail. This is investing in the eternal souls of men. Five dollars (5) will pro­ vide the complete courses for two men. It will establish them in the Lord so they in turn will become soul winners. Every Communist that finds Christ means one less enemy of freedom here and one more precious soul in heaven. This is a desperate need. However, it can be met if at the beginning of each month you iiivest in two lives. Yours for their salvation, D ick H illis *Send your investment to: O R IEN T CRUSADES P. 0 . Box 45 Los Angeles 53, California (Tax deductible receipt will be sent to you.)

Jesus then exhorted those hearing Him not to be in submission to any man as teacher, spiritual director or father. Christ, Himself, is the believer’s teacher and director. They are not to acknowl­ edge any man as father for no man can impart or sustain spiritual life. The Roman Catholic Church has failed to observe this exhortation for they con­ tinually refer to their priests as fathers. To these fathers confession is made which alone should be made to God. Other responsibilities are assumed by these fathers which belong only to God. There is a sense, of course, in which it is proper to call a man father but not in the unique spiritual sense as referred to by our Lord. In all our service it should be remem­ bered that Christ’s ideal for us is an attitude of humility. The most fruitful tree bends the lowest. So the more hum­ ble the believer is the more like Christ he will be and the more fruit he will bear. The King’s Farewell Lament 23:37-39 There is a sharp contrast in this lament of the Saviour with His words which just preceded it. From verse 13 to verse 36, the section is filled with ter­ rible woes pronounced against the hypo­ critical scribes and Pharisees. But this lament reveals the real heart of Christ which would have embraced even the cold hearted Pharisees if only they had given Him an opportunity. The whole situation may be summed up in these few words out of the lament: “ I would . . . ye would not.” He is just the same today. His compassion reaches out to you. Is your will set against Him?

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