King's Business - 1953-02

Factors to be Noted One wants to be careful not to confuse the judgment of this passage with the Great White Throne judgment of Revela­ tion 20:11-15. The Great White Throne judgment is after the millennium (Rev. 20:7), whereas this judgment is when the Lord returns in glory before the millennium. The Great White Throne is not on earth (Rev. 20:11), whereas this judgment is on the earth (Matt. 25:31). Then, too, there will be the resurrection of the wicked dead before the judgment of the Great White Throne, whereas there is no resurrection immediately be­ fore this judgment. Moreover, this is a judgment of living nations, whereas the Great White Throne judgment is a judg­ ment of “the dead” (the wicked dead). There is no such thing as a general judgment. There is the judgment of the believers’ sins at Calvary. This is already past (John 5:24 R.V., Rom. 8:1). There is also the judgment of believers’ works which will take place following the Rapture of the church (1 Cor. 3:11-15). There are other judgments but the one before us is that of living nations at the close of the Great Tribulation period when the Lord Jesus Christ comes forth to have His day. Those Involved vv. 31-34 The judge will be the Lord Jesus Christ (v.31). He will have as His asso­ ciates in this assize the “holy angels” who are His servants. Those to be judged are “all nations” (v. 32). Among these will be “ sheep” and “ goats” depending upon the revelation at the judgment. Then, too, entering into the picture are “my brethren” (v. 40), who are probably

the Jewish remnant who will have turned to the Lord during the terrible scenes of the Great Tribulation. They will be the Lord’s evangelizing messengers during that time bearing witness unto all nations (Matt. 24:14). Basis of Judgment vv. 35-40 The basis of the judgment in this passage appears to be the sort of treat­ ment to be accorded God’s witnesses dur­ ing the difficult period just referred to. Those who believe the message they preach will «how it by their attitude. They will act like “brethren” of the Lord which they really are. Those who reject this message will also reject the mes­ sengers and cruelly treat them. It is interesting to note from this section that treatment accorded to Christ’s servants is equivalent to treatment accorded to the Lord Himself (v. 40). When Saul of Tarsus persecuted Christians, Christ con­ sidered it the same as persecution of Himself (Acts 9:4). Destiny of the Judged vv. 41-46 It is either “ everlasting punishment” or “life eternal” (v. 46). Which it is depends upon one’s attitude toward the Lord Jesus Christ. The attitude in this passage manifested toward “ these my brethren” (v. 40), clearly reflects the nature of the attitude toward the Lord Himself. They who love Him will treat His brethren right. The supreme ques­ tion is this, Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour? If so, you need not fear Him as Judge, for “there is there­ fore now no condemnation [judgment] to them which are in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 8 : 1 ).

Helps lor the Children Being Prepared Matt. 25:1-13

Memory Selection: “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation” (Matt. 26:41). God’s Word tells U3 that the Lord Jesus Christ will some day return for those who know Him as their personal Saviour. Often He tells us to be prepared for His coming—to watch. If we know that a friend is coming to see us, al­ though we do not know just when he will come, we are constantly looking for him and doing things to prepare for his coming. So it should be with those of us who know the Lord Jesus as our Saviour. Just before God’s Son died for our sins, He told a story to show His disciples, that He wanted them to be ready when He returned. Ten virgins took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of these virgins were wise, but the other five were foolish. The foolish virgins took no oil with which to fill their lamps so that they would shine brightly. At midnight all of the virgins were sleeping when they heard someone calling, “ Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him!” The foolish virgins said to the wise ones, “ Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out.” When the wise virgins refused lest their lamps should go out too, the foolish virgins went to buy more oil. While they were gone, the bridegroom came and took the wise vir­ gins into the house with him. The foolish virgins found the door shut when they returned. When they knocked, saying, “ Lord, Lord, open to us,” the Lord answered, “ I know you not.” When the Lord Jesus returns for those who know Him as their Saviour, there will be many people who will want to be taken with Him to whom He will have to say, “ I know you not.” Many preach­ ers and Sunday school teachers and people who have belonged to churches and given to the poor will not be ready to go. Perhaps they have done many good things, but the only way in which they may be ready is by receiving the Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour. If He should come today, would you be ready to meet Him? Mar. 15, 1953 ACCOUNTABLE TO GOD Matt. 25:31-46 Pointers on the Lesson This is one of the most solemn pas­ sages of Scripture in all of God’s Word. It searches the heart to the depths. There are different interpretations to it but there are certain lessons to be learned from it whichever interpretation one adopts. One of these is that sin must be judged. It will be judged at one time . or another. Another fact to be remem- ! bered is that unto the Lord Jesus Christ has been committed the matter of judg­ ment (John 5:22).


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