King's Business - 1953-02

Helps for the Children Because He Loved Us Matt. 21:1-11, 27

penitent and was saved (Luke 23:39-43). Mockery at Calvary vv. 39-43 What they did beginning with the superscription of verse 37 was intended to be mockery. However, what they did and said spoke volumes of truth. If Jesus had answered the challenge of His enemies at this time and “ come down from the cross” (v. 40), if He had saved Himself (v. 42), the plan of salvation would have been frustrated. The plan of God and the words of the prophets as well as His own words would have proven false. Therefore, in order that salvation’s plan might be worked out Christ remained on the cross. Confession at Calvary v. 54 Truly, Christ died amidst supernatural manifestations, for He “was the Son of God.” Study the miracles that took place at Calvary, noting especially the miracle of grace in the salvation of the dying thief which is just a sample of what the Christ of the Cross can do.

tion of lost men. It is an interesting study to note how many minute details of the Crucifixion experience are spoken of in the Old Testament. How many can you name? The particular one referred to in this passage is found in Psalm 22:18. Thus, those who sat down to watch Jesus die were watching the fulfillment of the plan of God though doubtless they did not realize it. The Superscription v. 37 A comparison of all the gospel records gives the complete superscription as "This is Jesus [of Nazareth] the King of the Jews.” It was put up in mockery, of course, but it was the truth nevertheless. Mockers often speak more truth than they realize. Companions in Crucifixion vv. 38, 44 Being crucified between two thieves, 'how could the prophecy have been more literally fulfilled which says, “ and he was numbered with the transgressors” (Isa. 53:12). At the first both thieves cursed Christ, but ere long one of them became

Memory Selection: “ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Several weeks ago we read in God’s Word about the Lord Jesus riding into Jerusalem upon a donkey while the crowds sang His praises and shouted their joy. Today we see this same crowd shouting words entirely different as the Son of God stands trial before the lead­ ers of the nation and then is led out to Calvary’s hill to be crucified. The Lord Jesus was the only one who had never committed any sin. Only He had per­ fectly obeyed God in every word and thought and action. Someone must pay the penalty that would satisfy God for your sins and mine. No sinner was able to pay such a price. Only God’s Son could pay the price that God would accept. He was not forced to suffer and die for our sins; He willingly gave Himself because He loved us so much. God willingly gave His Son for us, not because He had to do so, but because of His great love for each one of us. Those whom we love most we are most willing to give something to even though it is a sacrifice for us to make the gift. We do not complain about the cost of the gift; we gladly and joy­ fully give it because of our love. So it was with God. Have you received His love gift for you? If so, have you shared the news about this wonderful gift with your friends, your parents, your neigh- [ bors, your teacher at school, your mail- [ man, and your grocer? Sad as is the story I of the crucifixion, this is not the end of j the story. Next Sunday, Easter Sunday, we shall read from God’s Word the won­ derful story of the resurrection of God’s Son. Many other people had died to try to please God, but only the Lord Jesus, God’s Son, ever arose from the dead. Let us thank God for His love to us and receive His free gift today if we have not accepted the Saviour before. WHAT KIND ARE YOU? TIRED Christians: Will work if coaxed to do so; but they complain so much while working the joy is all taken away from the service. RETIRED Christians: These believe they have done their share and sit idly by. They are the spectators—usually the critics, too. RUBBER-TIRED Christians: They demand a smooth road. Every thing must be so-so or they refuse. FLAT-TIRED Christians: Once ac­ tive and faithful, but they suffered a puncture and have never recovered their wind. They need to be refilled! T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

BY RADIO. . . on 5 0 1). S. radio stations, and on Sta­ tions DZAS (Manila), beamed to Israel, and HCJB (Quito),

reaching Jews around the world. BY MA6AZINE . . . a quarterly publication which presents the daims of Christ to Jews. BY REQUEST. . . Thousands of Prophecy

cairion New Testaments are sent free af

charge to inquiring Jews. Write for free copy of magazine MESSAGE TO ISRAEL. We covet your prayerful support. C0ULS0N SHEPHERD, Director • MESSAGE TO ISRAEL, INC (Founded 1937) BOX 682 GENERAI P.O., NEW YORK 1, N. Y. Faith inGodandManRestored byTimelyHelp A gifted and conse­

and cares for the children while the wife scrubs floors in office buildings. There is never enough to eat, and our food cartons restored faith in God and man to the depressed and needy family. With these letters of unbounded gratitude come further appeals for our continued help in Europe and Palestine. We solicit the prayers and gifts of God’s people to enable us to con­ tinue our fruitful ministry amongst Christ’s needy brethren. Please do send your gift soon.

crated Hebrew Chris­ tia n m iss io n a ry in Germany writes a mov­ ing letter of gratitude for a recent food ship­ ment. He distributed this food personally amongst the poorest of the poor and was able to witness for Christ to each recipient. He speaks of a nurse, thrown out of her hos­ pital by the Nazis, who

$10.00 will pay for a big, nutritious CARE food parcel for a needy family in Europe or in Israel. $10.00 a month will support a Hebrew Christian orphan in our children’s Home in Germany.

Rev. Jacob Peltz

suffered privation and illness. She is now 61 years of age and unable to earn a living. She was once told by a matron of whom she asked work: “ Let us drain you of your Jewish blood first . . .!” This Jewess overflows with grati­ tude for our timely food relief and spiritual comfort. The missionary also describes a Hebrew Christian family of five, the youngest four months of age. The husband cannot find work,

An up-to-date News Letter of our work in Europe and Israel will be gladly sent upon request. Address communications to:

The International Hebrew Christian Alliance Rev. Jacob Peltz, Ph.B., B.D., Secretary U S A. Dept. K Canada 4919 N. Albany Ave. 91 Bellevue Ave. Chicago 25, Illinois Toronto, Ontario Page Thirty-four

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