King's Business - 1953-02

G O W N S W % M • P u lp it and Choir • fe i|H Headquarters for P F h I r e l ig io u s su p p l ie s

Rev. Elmer L. Wilder

Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

Mar. 1, 1953

Mar. 8, 1953


A S mart H eart Objects: Four hearts, cut from black, green, yellow and white paper. (Cut the colored hearts in half—one vertically, one horizontally and the other obliquely. Discard half of each heart, and thumb­ tack the remainder to the board at the points of a triangle.) Lesson: Who can tell nfe what is the matter with these hearts? “ They are only half there.” Yes, they are like people who are half­ hearted. I wonder if their colors may not tell us why they are halfhearted. One is black, reminding us of sin. Sin often accounts for the halfhearted atti­ tude on the part of many people. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us that “ the heart is deceitful above all things, and des­ perately wicked.”

W aiting for a W edding Objects: Two kerosene lamps. (They should be identical in shape, one filled with oil, and the other empty, with the wick slightly dampened with kerosene.) Lesson: Isn’t it fun to be invited to a wedding? It is very sad not to be invited when the wedding is for someone you know. Weddings have always been a time of great joy and rejoicing. Our lesson this morning is about a wedding in the days of Christ. Then several young women waited for the bridegroom and entering the bride’s home with him, would be present at the wedding. The young women about whom Christ talked were like people who will be living when He returns to earth. He has pre­ pared a wedding feast and has told His people that He will return some day and take them to the feast. The virgins, as the young women were called, carried lamps. Their plan was that when the bridegroom came, they would light their lamps and go out to meet him. Five of the virgins were fool­ ish and took no oil in their lamps. The other five were wise and took oil. Here are two lamps, which look alike, but do not burn alike. Having oil in the lamp is like having the Holy Spirit in the heart. When anyone accepts Christ, the Holy Spirit comes into the heart, and bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. Paul says that if a person does not have the Spirit of Christ, that person is reprobate, which means that he is not saved. See, five of these lamps do not light. The five virgins who did not have oil in their lamps could not go in to the wedding feast when the bridegroom came. There will doubtless be many people in every church who will not have been saved when Christ comes, and not having the Holy Spirit, will not be allowed to enter into the marriage feast with Him.

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Another heart is yellow. When we speak of a person being yellow, we mean that he is afraid. We have all known people who were halfhearted in the Lord’s service, because they feared their companions. The third heart is green. I have heard people called green when they were ignorant or inexperienced. Certainly the person who is halfhearted in God’s serv­ ice is unmindful of the great rewards God has for those who faithfully serve Him. Here is a whole heart. This whole heart reminds me of what Christ said in Matthew 22:37-39, “Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neigh­ bour as thyself.” From this portion of Scripture, we see that Christ wants people to be whole­ hearted in their service for God and in their love for others.

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