Geometry Companion Book, Volume 2

10.1 Review Worksheet (continued)

25.  a square prism with a base area of 49 ft 2 and a height 2 ft less than the base edge length

26.  Colin is buying dirt to fill a garden bed that is a 9 ft by 16 ft rectangle. If he wants to fill it to a depth of 4 in., how many cubic yards of dirt does he need? If dirt costs $25 per yd 3 , how much will the project cost? ( Hint : 1 yd 3 = 27 ft 3 )

Find the volume of each cylinder. Give your answers both in terms of π and rounded to the nearest tenth. 27. 28.

14 cm

6 in.

3 in.

9 cm

29.  a cylinder with base area 24 π cm 2 and height 16 cm

Describe the effect of each change on the volume of the given figure. 30. The dimensions are multiplied by 5.

3 5

31. The dimensions are multiplied by


2 yd

10 m

3 yd

5 m


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