Eliteness #01 – EN


She is a designer, stylist, illustrator, author of comic books, humourist and calligrapher! "People think that I change jobs often, although I see that they are all linked by the fact that I always have a pen in my hand! "Meeting with Mine Vander. Yasmine Vanderauwera (artist name MINE VANDER) writes as she breathes.

"My brain works like a popcorn machine!" She uses writing to bring the raw material of her sketches to life on paper: her travels (184 escapades in fifteen years) or her conversations captured in a café. Her bed is, at times, her workshop: so- metimes out of necessity when travelling or for pleasure as well. "To write is to be nowhere and everywhere at the same time. I love that feeling. I also see it as a way to archive the past, organise the present and plan for the future. I encou- rage everyone to give it a try; pick up your pen and drop your phone: you'll put your mind in order! Adding to the pleasure of writing is the gift of slowing down. This precious moment is magnified by a candle that she lights at the beginning of the practice and extinguishes when she finishes.


She writes books but also lives! She created "Chorégraphic" with a DJ, a dance performance planned to take place in front of more than a thousand people on the Place des Nations in front of the UN in Geneva. Unfortunately, this event was cancelled due to the pandemic. Her hands were to be filmed writing words chosen by the audience in calligraphy and projected live onto a giant screen while being accompa- nied by the beat of electronic music. We note that this event was only postponed!


Find Mine Vander on Instagram: @minevander

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