Metrics Monthly Q2 | 22

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Editor's letter


Welcome to your second quarter's edition of Metrics Monthly Summer 2022 has, for some time now, been earmarked as the return of the holiday-fuelled, pub garden driven, ice cream drenched season that we used to know.

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The Queen's Platinum Jubilee cele- brations were welcomed by many this quarter, and not just because it gave us an extra bank holiday. The coun- try-wide festivities allowed us to take a break from stressing over the rising cost of living alongside ever-increasing inflation and higher interest rates. The high fuel prices are affecting many, but not just consumers, as Commer- cial Director David Wylie considers in 'Brace for Impact'. Find out how the high-and-rising energy costs are going to impact borrowers and lenders alike on page 14. This issue, we're also pleased to unveil our brand new customer story video, which sees lender Loans 2 Go reflect - ing on 5 years of success with Lend- ingMetrics' Auto Decision Platform (ADP). Watch the video to find out, first hand, why Loans 2 Go chose to work with us and the multiple bene- fits they're seeing from implenting the assisted decisioning platform. With summer holidays around the corner, and plenty planned for Lending- Metrics in the coming months, I hope you have a great next quarter and look forward to catching up in our Septem- ber issue of Metrics Monthly. Until then, you'll find me spending my eve - nings in the nearest pub garden, enjoy- ing a long-awaited ice cream sundae.

Two years since the first national lock - down, which left us never wanting to attend another family Zoom quiz ever again, and it's safe to say that the typical British summer is back in all of it's knickerbocker glory. At LendingMetrics, we're celebrating the homecoming of summer with the exciting launch of a brand new product: the innovative SaaS solution DeeJoop. Read all about how the new platform solves the problem of 'double counting' consumer credit files with multi-bureau data on page 08 . With the return of sporadic British heatwaves - which make you think you're in the Med one day and some- where in the Arctic circle the next - comes the re-emergence of concerns from the FCA regarding vulnerable customers who, much like at the start of the pandemic, are now struggling with the cost of living crisis. You can read about what the FCA is doing as a result of these worries, and other current newsworthy stories, in our 'in the news' section.

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Georgia Pullen Design and Communications Executive

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