your potential profit. The simplest and most crucial task to injury pre- vention on the jobsite is keeping the worksite clean and free of hazards. Aside from injuries and damage to equipment and the structure of the house, a messy jobsite can also negatively affect production. Here are eight basic jobsite safety tips to share with your crew: 3. Be intentional about taking breaks to prevent fatigue and quit when you’re tired. 4. Ask for help in carrying heavy objects or use tools that will help you carry awkward objects safely, such as furniture dollies. 5. Properly dispose of hazardous materials (e.g., rags with paint thinner). 1. Be aware of your surroundings. 2. Keep a clean workspace.
occur at your rehab, their advice is wise to follow, and their resources are helpful. OSHA has named their “Fatal Four” (most common types of fatal construction injuries):
Construction involves physical work and many types of tools and equipment, so the potential for non-fatal injuries is high. To name a few, non-fatal injuries on the jobsite are often caused by hand and power tools, heavy equipment, pollution, noise, flammable liquids, slips/ trips/falls, lifting heavy objects, repetitive motion, materials laying around the jobsite and falling ob- jects. Do you see any injury hazards around your jobsite? How will you remedy them?
6. Ventilate areas properly when working with flammable materials.
7. Don’t remove safety features on power tools (i.e. trigger guards on nail guns, blade guards on saws). 8. Dress for safety by dressing appropriately for the weather and removing jewelry or anything that could get caught in equipment.
• FALLS 384 out of 991 total deaths in construction in 2016 (38.7%)
• STRUCK BY OBJECT 93 (9.4%)
> Continued on :: PG 80
• CAUGHT IN BETWEEN 72 (7.3%) (*workers caught in between or compressed by equipment or structures)
BreAnn Stephenson is the Loss Prevention Director at National
Real Estate Insurance Group, which specializes in protecting real estate investors with custom-coverage options for investment properties. Learn more at or contact her at
Keeping a busy jobsite tidy can be a challenge, but a clean, safe jobsite can increase efficiency, maximizing
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