GWO Basic Safety Training V14.0


During exercise 16.3.3.c. The participant performing the rescue should use a rope clamp for rescue (to train the use of this equipment) and use the hip overhang technique to move the casualty away from the ladder.

Formal assessment of knowledge (see Section 12.7)

Lesson 16 Notes

During the rescue scenarios the participants who are not performing the exercise shall be in a safe area (at ground level) where they can familiarise themselves with setting up rescue equipment, rigging and operating the equipment for a rescue. It is recommended to have the participants familiarise themselves with the rescue equipment whilst one rescue exercise is conducted and observe one rescue exercise. During the rescue scenarios the participant acting as rescuer must correctly use their work positioning lanyard to secure themselves leaving their hands free to work with the equipment and casualty

During the rescue scenarios, a rescue dummy can be used to simulate a casualty

The instructor will notify the participant whether the casualty is conscious or unconscious. Participants may demonstrate the recovery position/seated position once the dummy has been lowered to a safe area

All appropriate PPE shall be worn during these exercises

Methods of preventing suspension trauma should be demonstrated during the practical exercises, as they will have already been discussed in theory. This will facilitate good small group discussions on the various methods of preventing suspension trauma.


15 min.

The aim of this lesson is to summarise the Module and give the participants the opportunity to conduct an open-minded review of the training and the instructor.

To successfully complete this BST Module, participants shall be able to demonstrate:

Active participation in the evaluation


The instructor shall:

Summarise the BST Module and give the participants final feedback

Global Wind Organisation

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