GWO Basic Safety Training V14.0
Demonstrate how to attach fall arrest lanyards correctly to the harness (back, or possible front, attachment point) according to manufacturer’s user manual and relevant country specific requirements/restrictions
Participants shall:
Demonstrate the ability to correctly attach fall arrest lanyards to a harness before working at height during practical exercises
The instructor shall:
Define the term ‘fall factor’ as it relates to working at height and fall arrest lanyards
Show diagrams of and explain the following:
Factor 1 fall (FF1)
Factor 2 fall (FF2)
Explain how the distance of a free fall can affect the severity of a fall
Explain how reducing the fall factor will reduce the potential free fall distance
Explain how attaching a fall arrest lanyard to an anchor point that is above shoulder height will reduce the fall factor Demonstrate how to select anchor points for the attachment of fall arrest lanyards so that the fall factor is reduced to less than FF1
Participants shall:
During subsequent practical training, value and apply the principle of selecting anchor points which will reduce the fall factor to as low as possible
Note: There should be a selection of anchor points at different heights above the working platform available for the participants to attach their fall arrest lanyards.
The instructor shall:
Show an example of a fall arrest lanyard where the fall indicator shows that it has experienced a fall Demonstrate how to identify if the fall arrest lanyard has experienced a fall by using the fall arrest lanyards fall indicator
Global Wind Organisation
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