GWO Basic Safety Training V14.0


a) Advantages and limitations of the different personal LSA and PPE related to the industry including different types of PLB, life jackets, suits – anti-exposure (transfer suit) and immersion suit (vessel evacuation) b) The correct use of the different personal LSA and PPE and importance of familiarisation with the equipment

c) Correct pre-use check, maintenance and storage of personal LSA and PPE

d) Facilitate a group discussion on the participants ’ understandings of LSA and PPE

Participants shall:

Engage in discussions and share experiences with LSA and PPE


Learning objective:

The participants can account for advantages and limitations of LSA related to the industry (Knowledge, intermediate level)

The instructor shall:

Facilitate a group discussion or Q/A activity on advantages and limitations of the different collective LSA, related to the industry – Life rafts, lifeboats and Marine evacuation systems (MES)

Participants shall:

Engage in discussion and share experiences on the use of LSA


Participants shall practice pre-use check and the application of LSA and PPE during lessons 6 and 9 of this BST Sea Survival module


10 min.

The aim of this lesson is to introduce GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety Systems) and SAR (Search and Rescue) to the participants This will enable the candidates to understand and act accordingly to enhance their efficiency and response time of the SAR operation and thereby their own evacuation and rescue.

After successfully having completed this lesson of the BST Sea Survival module, the participants will be able to:

Global Wind Organisation

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