GWO Basic Safety Training V14.0


Overall Changes


Version changed from 12 to 13

- Date changed to reflect most recent date of changes. - Added level and domain to all learning objectives (e.g. L2 – Knowledge) for ease of understanding) - Aims for each lesson updated - Taxonomy action verbs moved to each lesson element - Module 5 Working at height & Manual Handling is Added Section specific changes

1 Table of contents


Updated to reflect changes to standard.

2 Terms and Definitions



3 Change Log


Format changed for ease of reading.

4 Scope

- Changed number of modules from 5 to 6. 5.1 Overview

- Changed number of modules from 5 to 6 under overview.

- Inserted working at height and manual handling combined course. 5.6 Duration of BST Modules

- Section reworked to give clarity to contact time and total training day.


Duration given as total contact time

- Inserted table 5-7 to clarify maximum durations per day. 6.5 Training equipment - Reworked to include reference to equipment lists in Annex 3. 8.5 Participant performance assessment form

- Name changed from “Control Measures”.

- Wording updated to use participant performance assessment instead of control measures. 9 BST Module 1 – First Aid

- Numbered to section 9 and all subsequent subsections now 9.x e.g. 1.1 Aims and objectives of the BST First Aid module becomes sub-section 9.1.

10 BST Module 2 – Manual handling

Global Wind Organisation

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