GWO Basic Safety Training V14.0


Practice and demonstrate lifesaving First Aid techniques through relevant scenarios according to the Control Measures form

The instructor shall:

Ensure that the following topics are covered during scenario-based training:

a. Managing incidents

b. Providing necessary lifesaving First Aid

c. Correct use of First Aid equipment

d. Knowledge of and skills for AED safety procedures

e. Correct use of an AED

This scenario-based training shall be conducted as group work with one or more participants as First Aiders, while the other participants act as Casualty/Casualties or Observer/s. Each participant shall, as a minimum, act as First Aider at least one time. Relevant First Aid equipment shall be available and used at all times during scenario-based training. To ensure all of the above-mentioned points are covered during scenario-based training, Training Providers shall combine several of the following First Aid situations mentioned below.

At least one scenario must be based on an electrical incident.

First Aid situations:

a. Dropped object – serious head injury, unresponsive, breathing

b. Fall from heights – external bleeding, unresponsive, breathing

c. Serious internal bleeding

d. Serious external bleeding

e. Unresponsive with normal breathing


Unresponsive, not breathing

g. CPR using an AED

h. Seizures (e.g. epileptic seizure)



j. Stroke (circulatory, respiratory, central nervous system)

k. Serious burns (chemical, electrical, thermal and sun)



m. Heat related illness (heat stroke, heat exhaustion, hyperthermia, cramps, etc.)

n. Crush injury

o. Eye injury

Global Wind Organisation

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