Tasmanian Hospitality Review - December / January 2023

Membership & Corporate Update

We have now emailed out all renewal invoices for 2023 memberships and are in the process of contacting all members to ensure we continue to support venues in all aspects of their business. With costs continuing to rise for businesses we are making sure members are making the most of our corporate offers and are in discussions with our corporate partners around new offers for 2023. We have some exciting offers coming, along with a corporate booklet to help members easily find offers that suit their needs. We have an exciting events calendar planned for 2023 with dates now locked in for most of our key events. Next year we will have both a printed calendar for members and will also be posting everything on our website to share these dates. You’ll see the return of many of our normal events, but we’ve also taken onboard member feedback and included more tailored events to cater for the different operating hours of our members. With that in mind we are planning events such as coffee with corporates, pubs, pots and profits, member division dinners/lunches and many more exciting initiatives.

Keep an eye out for the events calendar, you’ll want to make sure you lock these dates in your diary. Any feedback regarding our membership services, or suggestions for areas of support you would like to see, are always welcomed. We know hospitality hours are varied and that’s why the membership team and I are available when you need us. If you’re open, or you’re thinking about something to do with your business, then we are here to support you and are only a phone call away. The next year promises to be an exciting year for hospitality and we look forward to your continued support.

Enquires? Contact Nick Roney E: nick@tha.asn.au Ph: 0439 119 343

For more information contact Paul Champion - District Sales Manager - M: 0457 818 811. To place an order call the CCA order hotline on 13COKE (13 2653).

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