remedy, which the government promises
will eventually create a waterfront park.
Making waves on the Ottawa
But Brown remains adamant, asserting
that expediency has swamped the
The future of theOttawa River relies on
the cooperative efforts of all who have a
“The local community will be left with a
stake in the valuable and vulnerable
contaminated site. The community will be
left with a brown field and a lost
That consensus was underlined when
members of the Ottawa Riverkeeper
Berthiaume reiterates that Prescott-
organizationmet HawkesburyMayor René
Russell, Argenteuil and Papineau regional
councils met earlier this year to forge closer
interprovincial ties, based on the concept
people and is vital to tourismand recreation
that the Ottawa unites, rather than divides,
in Eastern Ontario and Western Québec.
the neighbours.
Murky jurisdiction is one of the biggest
While a consensus on the designation of
challenges facingthebasinthat runs through
the Ottawa as a heritage river remains
two provinces, drains an area of 1,467,000
elusive, Berthiaume says a more
square kilometres and encompasses a
collaborative attitude at the local levels
territory that includes about 90
augurs well for future pro-river programs.
municipalities. Cooperation is needed at
More information on the Riverkeeper’s
federal, provincial and municipal levels,
stresses Riverkeeper Executive Director
Meredith Brown.
At the same time, everyone agrees that
citizensmust also get involved, by ensuring
their properties are river-friendly, by
monitoring changes in the river, and to
ensure the river remainshighonthepolitical
Noting that municipalities on both sides
Photo Richard Mahoney
of the river are cooperating more closely
Ottawa RiverkeepersDaveWilson, of L’Orignal, Barry Stemshorn andMeredithBrown
than ever before, Berthiaume agrees that
with Hawkesbury Mayor René Berthiaume.
gardeners need to be informed what they
and fishable water, it’s up to all of us.”
to take the lead.
can do to protect their river.”
A team has been collecting water quality
“We should have a national commission
He adds: “We need education and
sampleswhichwill beused tocreatea report
to protect the Ottawa River,” contends the
regulation.” Berthiaume notes that the
mayor, whose family has swum in and
Ontario Ministry of Environment was
on the region’s worst water pollution
boated on the river for generations.
established 40 years ago. “That is not a lot of
“Weneedleadershipat the federal level,”
time in the overall life of a river,” the mayor
“The quality of the water has improved
concurs Brown, decrying a “disturbing”
says. “The river has the capacity to
since the 1960s and 1970s,” observes Brown.
funding cut which has drastically reduced
rejuvenate.”Citing the need to instill a sense
New flag
Stricter government regulations and
ongoing monitoring of water quality in the
improved private sector pollution controls
recallsthatdecadesago, “Youcouldn’tswim
have helped reduce the inflow of
This summer, Ottawa Riverkeeper
After 52 years of flying over town hall, the
in Julybecause therewas somuch e-coli. But
contamination. However, the difference in
embarked on a 900-kilometre journey to
town of Hawkesbury’s flag may soon be
that was a time when people looked at the
provincial rules can easily be seen while
pinpoint the prime sources of pollution on
replaced by a newer, more contemporary
river as a place where you dumped stuff.”
travelling the Ottawa in a boat. Québec has
the river. “Having an in-depth
design. The current municipal standard
tighter shorelinedevelopment controls than
understanding of the current health of the
features the town’s coat of armswhichwas
International Paper pulpmill waste lagoon.
Ontario, the Riverkeepers learned as they
river will help us take action to prevent
created in 1957 and was adopted back in
BothBrownandBerthiaumehave in thepast
approached Hawkesbury from Ottawa.
continued degradation and enforce the
1959. However, at a recent meeting town
“There needs to be more public
protective regulations that are otherwise
council commissioned Chabo Design to
plan to partially clean up the riverfront
education,” says Berthiaume. “People are
come up with a new flag.
lagoon, arguing that a complete
not cognizantof the issuesaffectingtheriver.
time, we recognize that protecting our local
A new flag design is scheduled to be
rehabilitation of the site is the only solution.
The attitude that people develop towards
waterways is a community responsibility.
presented to town council within a month,
Berthiaume has diluted his once staunch
water isnot something that canbe legislated.
We can’t rely on government agencies to do
relates chief administrator Normand
opposition to the plan after town council
The general public, contractors and
thework– ifwewant swimmable, drinkable
reiterated its support for the province’s
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