The Thirty A Review January 2022

d i n i n g

Food is Love B y L i e s e l S c h m i d t

G rab-and-go, convenient food, and bever- ages isn’t a new concept. It’s been around so long that no one can remember when it wasn’t…But it definitely hasn’t always been healthy. Far from it, in fact. But for Dr. Bart Pre- court and his wife, Kelli, the concept of bringing healthy options to the community was one that needed to be explored. As the owners of Balance Health Studio, a mecca of wellness that includes world-class yoga, top-tier chiropractic care, and functional nutri- tion, holistic well-being is obviously a way of life for the two self-proclaimed “health nuts” who

thing great for your body that just puts people into great moods. Generally, I feel that all of 30-A has a good vibe, but we bring an- other level to it…it’s fun.” Of course, the health- fulness of their products relies on their ingredients: the freshness, the quality, the way it’s been grown. For that reason, Prema has been incredibly selective of the their partnering vendors. “Sourcing our in- gredients has been a big decision,” Bart contends. “They must have organic produce and goods; that has been a bit of a chal-

Superfood Salad

have been providing nu- trition support for nearly 20 years. It made sense, then, to add another facet to their business; and Prema Organic Café soon became more than just a concept. “The word ‘pre- ma’ means ‘to love’, and the idea is simple,” Bart

Prema Salad

lenge, yet we are hoping that other res- taurants and cafés start requesting organic so that our options in this area increase. We do our best to vet all our vendors, even down to the glass bottles we use for juices. We are doing what we can to ‘love’ mother earth as well by reducing plastics however possible. We also source locally with some local farm- ers who provide organic produce and coffee. This is an area we see for big-

explains. “We make the food with love and serve it with love, and our customers—including us—choose healthy food because we love ourselves and reward ourselves with food that nourishes the body.” Opened in summer 2020, in a space right next to Balance, Prema offers fresh cold-pressed juices, smooth- ies, and grab-and-go dishes created with both health and convenience in mind. The menu is everything anyone hoping to eat clean could dream of: 100% organic, glu- ten-free, soy-free, and canola oil-free. “Everything is fresh and healthy,” says Bart. “Our customers don’t even have to ask about what’s in it or skip around the menu. We live this way in our personal lives and have been waiting for something like this to come to 30-A; and while we knew it would be hard to hold this standard, so far we are doing it.” Naturally, the question of taste comes into play for anyone new to the “health food” space. For these uncer- tain individuals, Prema answers that question with one bite. “Healthy food is the gold standard, and many peo- ple are surprised how delicious everything tastes,” Bart says. “In fact, many think that everything tastes so good that it couldn’t possibly be healthy.”

Trio of Organic Smoothies

Photos courtesy Prema Organic Café

time expansion, and vendors are now reaching out to us as the word gets out about the quality of products we use.” While opening during a pandemic was risky, the Precourts knew that people needed what they were offer- ing. “Healthy bodies require healthy foods,” Bart says. “Last year gave all of us enough reason to start eating better. Simply put, if our nation ate better, we would be better off. And the cool thing is that it’s now easy and delicious.” Prema Organic Café is located at 3557 East County Highway 30A, Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459. Open daily from 7:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m. For more information, call (850) 213-3023 or visit

Top sellers on the menu include the acai bowl, the Prema salad, the pesto chicken, and their cold-pressed juices. “Apparently, our acai bowl is the best there is— that’s the constant feedback we are getting from people who try it,” says Bart, whose personal faves are the repair latte with collagen, lucuma, and honey; the celery juice; the ginger shot; and the Prema salad with their famous tuna salad (no mayo). While the idea of an organic café can be intimidat- ing to newbies, the atmosphere is one that is open, friendly, and incredibly inviting. “It’s a different vibe here, and it’s contagious!” says Bart. “Good energy, a friendly smile, and amazing food. If you look back into the kitchen, there is a good chance you will see your cold-pressed juice being made just moments before you drink it. There’s something about choosing to do some-

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