Disability & Neurodiversity We may not be in a position to know what challenges people are facing in their personal lives, and we aim to support people who have invisible as well as visible disabilities or challenges. Organisations who have a neurodiverse workforce benefit from individuals who bring creativity, new ideas, and fresh perspectives. It is hugely valuable to have different thinkers, lateral and sometimes off the wall ideas. We are at the start of our path to greater understanding and support around neurodiversity and we are working with IT to showcase to all our people helpful resources around assistive technologies.
Faith & Religion Faith is part of belonging to a set of beliefs which drive your actions in life. We recognise and support people with their faith at work and allow those who may not have a faith to recognise that. Our aim is to create our work environment where belief is acknowledged and understood as a significant aspect of our lives and a culture where people of all faiths and none can flourish. We do this through the cultural celebrations that we mark throughout the year, which form part of our overall understanding of faiths and what is important to people in their everyday lives and which guide their actions.
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