King's Business - 1968-12

there is ample time for discussion, fellowship and recreation with a bare minimum of cost involved. Trip and trail camping is an­ other adventure that is appealing to those who desire a camp expe­ rience in the wilds yet with a Christian emphasis. In this type of experience the group either hikes to a predetermined destine tion and remains there for the duration of the camp or hikes daily to another location. The op­ portunity for exploration, learn­ ing to live on a group level o f co­ operation and seeing unspoiled natural beauty is a cherished ex­ perience. Another distinct advan­ tage is the lack of scheduled pro­ grams. Here the clock is forgotten and the campers enjoy themselves without the pressures of a rigid program. Many Bible studies and discussions that began a f t e r breakfast continue for hours with each participant eager and in- involved. Flexibility and low cost are definite advantages o f this program. A few churches have t r i e d prayer-discipline camps. These are one-night camps where the campers arrive and for the first 12 hours complete silence is main­ tained. The campers can either sleep, pray or study the Bible. Following this time there are sev­ eral hour s of sharing, prayer groups and Bible study. One sen­ ior high group went to the desert for an entire day for a prayer camp. They did nothing but walk or sit in the desert and pray. Much can be accomplished by your camping program. Plan it so that it meets your needs and accomplishes your objectives. The book “ Camping for Christian Youth” by Todd is helpful for any church, and the Christian Camp and Conference Association locat­ ed at 14312 Runnymeade in Van Nuys, California, has a wealth of material for every phase of a camping program. We have just begun the Golden Age of Camping. It will continue and your church may benefit by this opportunity.


RICHARD W . D e H AAN TEACHER R adio B ible C lass

S OMEONE sent me this clipping — from what source I do not know — which touched me so deeply that I take the liberty of passing it on to you. A father writes: "One year ago today I sat at my desk with a month’s bills and accounts before me, when my brightfaced, starry-eyed lad of 12 rushed in and impetuously announced, 'Say, Dad, this is your birthday; you’re 55 years old, and I am going to give you 55 kis es, one for each year!’ He began to make good on his word, when I exclaimed, 'Oh Andrew, don’t do it now; I am too busy!’ His silence attracted my attention, and looking up I saw his big blue eyes fill with tears. Apologetical­ ly I said, ‘You can finish tomorrow.’ He made no reply, but was unable to conceal his dis­ appointment. His face wore a grieved expres­ sion as he quietly walked away. That same evening, I said, ‘Come and finish the kises now, Andrew.’ But he either did not hear me, or was not in the mood, for hedid not respond to my invitation. Two months later, as a result of an accident, the waves of

a nearby river closed over his body and we carried him away to ‘sleep’ near the little village where heloved to spend his vacations. The robin’s note was never sweeter than his voice, and the turtle dove that cooed to its nestlings was never so gentle as my little boy, who left unfinished his love-imposed task. If only I could tell him how much I regret those thoughtless words I spoke, and could be assured that he understands and knows how much my heart isaching because of my unkind request, there would be no man in all this wide world so inexpressibly happy as the one who sits today and thinks how he prevented an act that love inspired, and grieved a little heart that was all tender­ ness and affection."

Such regrets are most painful! Today let us go forth determined to take time to show love — especially to those who are near and precious to us. THOT: The love we give is the only love we keep!

The above is selected from Our Doily Bread, the devotional guide published monthly by Radio Bible (loss. This booklet contains interesting meditations, Scripture portions, poems, and a thought for every day of the month— as written by Richard DeHaan, Henry Bosch, Herbert Vander Lugt, and the late Dr. M. R.DeHaan. Your copy iswaiting for you, free and postpaid.



BIBLE CLASS Grand Rapids, Michigan

This Bible-teaching ministry in­ cludes printing and distribution of devotional and study ma­ terials, the production of daily and weekly radio programs and TV series. Literature samples and time-station listings are FREE upon request.

Dept. KB

Please send free copy and information on how to receive the OUR DAILY BREAD booklet each month

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“ Faith is awakened by the MESSAGE, and the MESSAGE that awakens it comes through the Word of Christ” —Romans 10:17 (N.E.B.) The MESSAGE TO ISRAEL program has been proclaiming God's message to God's people for over 30 years on more than 50 radio stations coast-to-coast and in foreign nations. Many Jews have been reached for Christ through the radio ministry and by mail, correspondence courses and personal work. We depend on God and the prayerful stewardship of His people. Send for a free copy of our informative magazine, Message to Israel. M E S S A G E T O I S R A E L , IT S C . Box 31, Patchogue, New York, N .Y . 11772



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